I freeze in my spot as my blood runs cold through my veins. Dad stays quiet for a few moments before being the walkie back up to his mouth and pressing the button.
"She did what?" He asks, each word laced with a mixture of shock and anger. I gulp slightly and take a step back into the cabin and quietly shut the door before running to my little makeshift bed in the corner.
I lay down and cover myself up before the back door is slammed open. "Sarah Smith!" He yells. All his men quickly stand up to his voice and stare at him. "Everyone outside for a minute please." He says.
His puppets quickly run out the door and shut it behind them. I lean up and rub my eyes while looking at him. "What?" I ask as I fake yawn.
He walks over to me and stare down. "Get. Up." He mutters under his breath. I look at him confused before I slowly rise to my feet. "I'm going to ask you something and you better not lie to me."
I nod my head as he grips my arm tightly in his hand. "Yes sir." I whisper, trying my best to hide my fear, but the shaking in my voice didn't help at all.
"Did you let Daryl and them go?" He asks. I exhale and laugh softly before shaking my head. "Don't lie." He reminds me.
"No Dad. I didn't release them. If I did don't you think I would've went with them? No offense but please use your brain once in awhile." I mumble as I yank my arm from his grasp. "You must have a rat amongst your men. Cause you know damn well I would've helped them out. I love you and everything, but they are my family too." I reply as I cross my arms over my chest.
Dad stares me down, a small glint in his eyes as he does so. "If I find out it was you, I will not hesitate to kill them. I've protected them as much as I can, this has drawn the like Sarah. If I found out it was-" I cut him off sharply.
"It wasn't." I say as I drop my arms below my sides. "Like I said if it was, I wouldn't be here right now." He takes a step back and raises his hands in defeat before laughing.
"Sorry for accusing you. I knew my princess wouldn't betray her Dad like that." He says as he uses one hand to ruffle my hair. "That's my girl." He grabs his walkie and walks back out the back door.
Once he leaves I fall back down to my knees and grip my hair in my hands. I take deep breaths trying to control my breathing and to calm down my heart rate. "Shit." I whisper with a small laugh following behind.
I slowly remove my hands from my hair and place them on my lap as the front door opens and his men begins to pile back in and lay back down on their spots on the floor. I slowly stand up and walk back to mine in the corner and sit back down on it.
I face the wall and drag my finger over the cracks, the cold, bumpy feeling of the wall made me shiver each crack making a different shape as I trace it. The wind outside blew every so often making the cool air flow through the cracks and ghost over my skin.
I slowly bring my finger down and turn around facing the rest of the men. They all speak quietly amongst themselves, not one trying to include me on their conversation. It's like I was off limits, not only to them but to the world. Welcome to the life of being Dad's little girl.
I sigh as I watch one of the men try to start a fire in the old fire pit. Vines grew in and around the red bricks, some even hung over the fireplace but not for long before they were ripped down.
My mind wanders away after a few minutes of watching the man struggle and fail repeatedly. I lay my head down on my thin pillow, there wasn't much of a difference between it and the ground.
The back door swings back open making my body jerk slightly in fear before Dad's voice booms out over the rest of them. He mumbles on and on about some "training" for the upcoming fight.
"Sarah will be practicing too. Dwight, she's your responsibility tomorrow. If she does anything stupid tell me and I'll have her fixed up real quick." He says as he looks down at me.
I pull my jacket around my body tightly before flipping to the other side facing away from everyone. My heart was in a race against my own mind, I had no idea what to do or say. I'm basically just a puppet on a string, being used for their own entertainment.
A few minutes go by and all the voices quiet down, leaving me to wither in my own thoughts of destruction. The cracks in the wall still whistle as the cold air blows through them, as if they were trying to sing me a lullaby like my mother did once before.
I watch as the little bit of light slowly disappears through the holes of the old blankets that were hung up on the windows, letting me know the sun was going to sleep along with me.
My thoughts have finally died down and sleep was playing with me before a gently tap draws me from my rest. I roll back to my side and see Dwight facing me, he presses a finger to his lips before he motions me to follow him.
I don't know what in me made me get up and follow him out the back door, nor how Dad didn't hear the door open and shut. Dwight continues down the small pathway, his movements slow and steady not evening paying attention to my sluggish body following behind him.
I felt words rest on my tongue but for some reason I could let them flow out. I feel nothing. No fear or anything, but still yet my skin crawls and makes me shiver. I can't form words, my mouth refuses to open.
I stay silent and follow behind him into the woods. My mind and heart was telling me to stop and to run the opposite way, but my body didn't catch onto the signals.
I gulp as he leads to me to a space, one I know very well. Tire marks were still left in the dirt from the weeks before, but what was even more odd was the blood stains were still there. Something wasn't right.
Dwight starts to laugh and the trees begin to sway but there was no wind. I wrap my jacket around me once more as I stand there frozen. The memories hit me all at once, Glenn.. Abe. Everything was red.
My vision becomes blurry and red flooded my vision. I reach out in front of me as Dwight's laugh disappears into the night sky. I close my eyes and rub them and scream once my vision comes back and Dwight stands in front of me.
"I know what you did."

The Devils Daughter
FanfictionSarah, a young girl stripped away from her parents at the beginning of the apocalypse, fights with everything in her each day. Her only family at this point is a group who found her at Terminus, and saved her. Ever since then they had been inseparab...