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"No!" Carl yells. "You promised her. You can't break your promise." He says as he moves forward on his knees a little trying to get closer to me, but the men stop him from reaching.

"Pip down squeaky." Dad says pointing his bat at him before turning back to me. "So? Do we gotta deal?" He asks. I never once let my eyes stray away from Carl as I slowly nod my head.

"Deal." I whisper. I knew dad had this plan all along. He knew Carl was a hothead and he only promised I could stay cause he knew he'd be back for me soon. Apparently really soon at that.

"That's my girl!" He says wrapping his arm around my shoulder once more. "I'll let you and your boyfriend say goodbye and have your kissy, crying time. I'll be in the truck. No longer than five minutes and I'll be expecting you out." He says as he snaps his finger making the men follow him back to the truck.

Once the gate is closed behind them Carl jumps up and tackles me into a hug. "Why the hell did you agree." He mumbles in my hair as his grip tightens. "You should've just let him take me back. It's untelling how he is gonna treat you once you get back. You'll probably be locked up like Daryl. Fuck." He says.

I feel a few wet spots appear on my skin as Carls back heaves up and down. I could tell he was crying and was trying to pretend he wasn't. "I'll be okay. Remember about Eugene? Trust him. Three days. Just three days." I say as I lean up off the ground, his hand still laying on the back of my head.

I use my strength to push us both up at the same time. He slowly pulls away and sits on his butt crossing his legs and opening his arms. I sigh and crawl onto his lap and sit facing him, I wrap my arms around him and hold him. "Everything is going to be okay Carl." I whisper.

"Y-yeah." He whispers, his voice cracking slightly making my heart ache. He sneaks his hands around my waist and holds me tight to him. His breathing becomes ragged as he softly cries against me, I rarely see him cry which makes me a bit uneasy.

"I love you. I need to go before my time is up okay?" I say leaning back. I grab his face with my hands and use my thumbs to wipe away his tears as I smile at him warmly trying to cheer him up. "Three days." I say.

"Three days." He repeat as I drop my hands from his face. He then takes the opportunity to grab my face and bring my lips to his for a tender kiss that only last a few seconds before I pulled away. "I love you too."

I smile and stand up off of him and help him up before giving him one last hug. "Tell Eugene where I'm at ok? If I don't show up with dad whenever the fight takes place I promise I'll find a way out. Now I really need to go before he does something." I say kissing his lips once more before running towards the gates.

"Bye guys." I say as I run past Rosita and Sasha. They both slowly wave and shut the gates once I'm out. I knew I needed to be as nice as I could be for the next three or four days so dad would allow me to come with him.

I open the truck door and climb up into the passenger seat without an argument. "So no Sassy Sarah this evening?" Dad ask as he puts the truck in reverse. I shake my head as I look over at him.

"No. There's no use in arguing, you'll get your way either way." I say shrugging my shoulders. I lean over and grab an open can of beans he had sitting in the cup holder and begin eating them. "You weren't gonna eat the rest of these were you?" I ask with a mouthful.

He chuckles and shakes his head. "No Bunny. You can have them." He says finally putting the truck into drive and driving down the same road he had took me before. "You know you putting on this act isn't going to make me let my guard down. Security is gonna be tight." He says sharply.

"Yeah I know. I'm not dumb, I just don't want to argue with you anymore." I say as I set the now empty can into the cup holder once more. "I am starving since you kind of took almost all of our food. So when we get home can you please get me something to eat?" I ask.

"Home?" He questions with a smile. I cringe at the word but I knew I had to play along. I shrug my shoulders and nod my head as I look out the windshield watching a couple of walkers make their way out of the woods.

"Yeah? Should I not say that? Is it too much?" I question. He chuckles to himself as he taps on the steering wheel, and begins to accelerate. I cross my legs and watch the walkers in the review mirror turn to follow us.

"Nope, nothing wrong with that. Considering it is your home now." He says as we approach the gates, they open and we pull in and park like before. He gets out and shuts the door behind him before walking over and opening my door helping me out.

"Welcome home Sarah." Simon says as soon as we enter in. I smile then roll my eyes, I'm not here to pretend for him only for dad. I look around the place and shiver under everyone's gaze. I turn and face my dad once Simon walks away and occupies himself by screaming at the watch duty.

"Where is she?" I ask as he squints his eyes and furrows his brows as if he didn't understand me. "Dad, don't play dumb. What did you do with her?" I ask.

"With who?" He questions as he moves around me and walks towards the steps making me follow him. He takes a few steps up and I stay quiet until we finally reach the top. "Look at this. This is your kingdom." He says as we look over the railing. "All of this for my princess. Who I hope knows to behave now." I sigh and nod my head before turning to face him.

"Where the hell is Amber?"

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