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I look around as everyone finishes gathering up their belongings. Abraham steps in front of everyone, jerking his bag up a little higher on his muscular arms.

"Let's blow this shithole." He says with a laugh following behind it. We make our journey out of the barn hopefully for the last time and start walking down the road. I stay as close to Maggie as possible.

A few walkers come out of the shadows and we all draw out our knives and make our way towards them. I kill one and notice Carl walking towards one. I jerk my knife from the rotting skull and run towards his victim of choice quickly stabbing it and pushing it to the group. I smirk to myself and stand back up facing him.

"Grow up." He says anger seething through his teeth as he turns on his heel and walks away. Then it hits, he's actually really pissed at me, a strike of pain goes across my heart and makes me clutch my shirt in my hand. Damn. I swallow all my pride and catch up to him.

"Carl. Carl wait up. Carl!" He finally directs his attention towards me, and stops his walking. "Listen I'm sorry for being a bitch. It's just we haven't had something good like this happen in a very long time, and I guess I just got excited. I'm sorry." He sighs and pushes a strand of hair out of my face.

"Thank you for apologizing. You said some pretty hurtful things back there. But... I'm sorry too I know I was being a bit of a prick as well." We both smile.

"A bit?" I joke he lets out a small laugh and leans down kissing my forehead. My soul basically just left my body right there.

"Don't push it hon." he says as he pulls away. He grabs my hand as we start walking once more, but something was different this time. He didn't let go of my hand like he usually would. This time he held on.

(Time skip)

After hours of walking we run into another guy who is apparently with Aaron. So Aaron was telling the truth, there was only one other person out here with him. His name is Eric.

He had sent up a flare to let Aaron know exactly where he was before we got to him ourselves and helped him. Now we are all sitting here waiting for the others to arrive.

Carl has Judith in his lap, I sit beside him playing with her and tickling her sides. I notice him smiling down at me a small twinkle in his eyes. We hear footsteps and Carl hands Judith to me.

"Dad!" He screams out.

"Carl! Are you and Judith ok?" Carl nods before replying, "Yeah we're fine."

"Eric! Eric!" Aaron screams out frantically. He hears a faint 'in here' and runs towards him. I stay out with Judith and gently rock her in my arms to put her to sleep. Carl walks over to me as the rest of the group is around Aaron and Eric.

"It's been an interesting day hasn't it?" He says once he reaches me I nod my head my eyes still on Judith as she closes her eyes slowly drifting to sleep. "I can take her if you want? I know she's probably a bit heavy."

"No, no I'm fine. I enjoy her warmth." I say smiling up at him.

"Hey. Listen I want to believe in this place too. It's just all the shit we've been put through it's hard to believe something so good actually exists. I know you believe Aaron, and I'm trying to as well. But, what type of person leaves water in the road for strangers?" I listen to his rant. I sigh and nod my head in agreement.

"I understand where you're coming from. I was just excited to have another place to call home. I hate running from place to place constantly. It gets tiring, and I really just want Judith to have a safe place to grow up in. She deserves so much better than this nasty world. All of us deserve better." Carl gives a side smile before wrapping his arm around me and giving me a side hug.

"Let's go give Judith to dad. We need to rest it's going to be a big day tomorrow. We might be seeing our forever home." I nod and follow behind him. I gently tap Rick on his shoulder and give Judith to him.

"Sorry for calling you a prick." He ruffles my hair.

"It's ok. I forgive you. I understand why you did." I give him a hug. I feel terrible for everything I said to him today. I pull away from him, "Also we are sleeping on that side tonight. I still have to take precautions we don't know them that well yet." I smile and nod my head making my way towards a corner.

"This place here taken?" I look up at a grinning Carl and shake my head no. He sits down beside me and takes his hat off placing it to the side. His hair is frizzy from wearing the hat so much and sweating, I take my hands and rub down his hair to flatten it out.

"You have better hair than me Carl Grimes." I giggle as I bring my hands back down to my lap. He runs his fingers through it laughing as well.

"It's the hat I swear." I push him gently on the shoulder and shake my head. I lay back onto the ground and watch and he does the same thing. "Are you nervous at all about this whole thing?" He questions.

I sigh out loud, "Honestly, the more I think about it the more I feel sick to my stomach. It's not like a bad gut feeling, nothing like that. It's just scary. Aaron said we basically have to audition. What if they don't let us in? What if they think we are too dangerous. Look at us. All bruised up and muddy. Hell I don't even know if this is my blood or walkers." He grabs my hand once more.

"They'll let us in. We've been out here forever, they can't expect us to come in there fully clean with smiles on our faces. Aaron said he trusts us, and maybe he can talk to them for us and give us a bit of a head start. Either way we will have that place as a home." I turn on my side and face him. I kiss his cheek before laying back onto my back.

"I hope you're right." I say before shutting my eyes and drifting to sleep.

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