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I awake in the middle of night to the group talking just right outside, I slowly squeeze my body out for underneath Carl's as I stand up and make my way towards the door. I slowly open it and listen as the chatter slowly fades away as their eyes all advert to my direction. I softly shut the door behind me before making my way onto the porch with the rest.

"Did we wake you?" Glenn asks as he makes his way towards me, I raise my hands to my eyes and rub them to clear my vision while shaking my head. He glided his arm over my shoulder as smiles down at me, his fingers gently squeezing my left shoulder as he looks back towards the rest of the group.

They all carry on with their talking, my sleepiness overtaking my body and cutting off my hearing. Now all I can hear is gibberish pouring from their mouths, even though I try to stay focused. I lay my head against the side of Glenn's chest as I close my eyes once more.

"Sarah? Let's get you to bed." He whispers I slowly nod my head as I make my way back in, Glenn's arm still around my shoulders. I turn around a hug him tightly, I softly sigh as his arms wrap around me in a comforting way. I pull away as his hand comes up and wraps around my necklace, his finger glide along the baseball bat attached to it.

"Maggie got it for me." I say grabbing it once he lets it go, I hold it up to my face smiling slightly, "It reminds me of my dad." I whisper as I pretend to hit Glenn with it while we both erupt into a quiet fit of laughter. He ruffles my hair, earning a groan from me as I begin to fix it as I glare at him.

"Goodnight Kiddo." He says as he gives me that toothy grin before heading back out the door amongst the others. I make my way back to Carl and gently shake him, a few grunts fill the air as he fights against me.

"Carl wake up, let's go to bed." I whisper as I still continue to shake him. He opens his eye as peers up at my thought his eyelashes before leaning up on the couch. I grab his hand pull him up, I guide him up the stairs until we reach the bedroom. He opens the door and quickly walks in and spends no time before jumping onto the bed, he holds his hand outwards and motions me over.

"Come here." He orders in a groggily voice. I giggle quietly to myself before walking to the other side of the bed and slowly gliding myself in beside his already warm body. He wraps his arm around me pulling me closer towards him as if that was even possible.

I lay my head closer towards his before shutting my eyes, I run my hand over Carl's before gripping it and holding it. "You're so pretty." I hear him whisper, I open my eyes and look over. His blue eye staring at me, a light pink dusting playing on the apples of his cheeks.

I smile and lean down giving him a soft kiss on his lip before pulling away and placing my forehead on his. "I love you." I whisper as I drag my right hand across his chest slowly. He smiles and kisses the tip of my nose, I smile as the light pink turns darker.

"I love you too." He says as he finally closes his eye once more and leans his head back against the pillows once more. I smile and lay my head back down as well as I feel myself falling asleep once more.

(Time Skip)

I open my eyes and look to the left of me and notice the bed already empty, a slight frown forms upon my face as I lean up and look around. I sigh and lean my back against the headboard and close my eyes while steading my breathing.

The door across from my opens up and my eyes jerk towards it almost immediately, Carl walks in a white towel hanging low on his hips, his hair dripping wet. I train my eyes on him as the droplets of water drops off the end of his hair onto his pale skin. His bandage was off, and I don't think I've ever seen him this beautiful.

"Sarah? Hello? I'm talking to you." I snap out of my day dream and shake my head, as I feel my entire body heat up. He chuckles and walks over to the dresser finally grabbing some new clothes before turning to face me. "As I was saying. Did you really think I got up and left without telling you?" He says as he stands in front of me.

"Um. No?" I say in a questioning tone. He places his hand underneath my chin and brings my head up to stare at him directly. He raises an eyebrow, waiting for me to fix my answer. "No." I say directly.

He smiles and leans down placing a short kiss on my lips. "That's my girl." He says as he stands back up straight. "Get ready, the group already left early today. We are on watch duty." He says as he drops his towel down in front of me and grabs his clothes from beside me.

Out of instinct I cover my eyes, which embarrassed me even further then I imagined it would. I listen as he laughs and grabs my wrist making me uncover my eyes. "It's not like you haven't seen it before." He jokes as he slips on his boxers then jeans.

"Shut up." I mumble as I stand up and walk to the dresser pulling some of my own clothes out. I strip off my clothes from the day before, I feel shivers go up my spine as Carl approaches me. He leans his head down and kisses my neck down to my shoulder before softly sighing.

"You're beautiful." I smile softly, as he removes himself off of me allowing me room to get dressed. I slip on my clothes before turning around to face him as he puts his bandage on in the mirror. I tie my hair back into a low ponytail as I watch him with curiosity.

"You ready?" He asks as he places his hat on his head.

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