I rush to his side as he falls down, he removes his hand from his shoulder and stares at it. I gulp slightly as I grab whatever I could find and clean the blood off his hand. "That motherfucker shot me!" He yells angrily as he leans up and runs behind the truck dragging me along with him.
"I'm going to get something out of the truck so you can apply pressure to your wound." I whisper as I stare at him. He nods his head as he groans in pain and holds his shoulder tightly.
I take a deep breath and open the passenger side jumping in and digging around the floorboard until I grab a towel and jump back out slamming the door. I run behind the truck and toss the towel to Dad.
I take a peek out from behind and notice some of his men leaning up and shooting down at Rick and the group. My heart continues to race a mile a minute as I hope for this whole thing to end just as fast as it had started.
"Dad." I whisper as I advert my eyes back to his direction only to find him gone. "Dad? Dad!" I yell as my heart drops to my stomach. I run out and look around but still find him nowhere in sight, just a small trail of blood leading off into the woods.
I reach behind me making sure my gun was still there before I take off following the tracks of the blood. There's no way he could've gotten away this quickly, and there's no way he would've left me behind. Not after everything he done to get me back.
The gunshots echo in the distance as the war rages on between both sides. I couldn't tell the distance between the clouds and the gun powered by how much filled the air.
The blood trail faded before picking back up again in random spots. How could he of moved this fast? He couldn't be running while in that much pain, but then again my Dad was capable of anything.
I felt like I had been walking for miles but still ended up nowhere. I couldn't be too far gone since I could still hear the screams of the others. I climb onto a rock and look around in every direction, but there was nothing but the loneliness of the woods.
"Dad!" I yell out, my voice cracks slightly as worry drips off my words. "Dad where are you!" I yell as loud as I could over the gunshots. Still yet there was no answer, not even a sound to say he was near.
I bite my lip holding back my tears before I hear something move behind me. I quickly turn around and aim my gun only to be met with Eugene.
"Shit Eugene don't do that." I say as I lower my weapon. He slowly climbs up onto the rock and stands beside me.
"I saw you running this way, I decided to follow you so you wouldn't get hurt." He says as he pats my back gently, and for once I didn't have the urge to shove him away. I found it quite comfortable.
"Thanks." I say as I look back at him. "I came out here looking for Dad. I followed the trail of blood but he's gotten too far." I say sitting down.
"Wait what?" Eugene asks as he looks down at me. I laugh slightly before looking up at him while shaking my head.
"Geez joking at a time like this huh?" I ask before I repeat myself for him. "I said I was out here looking for Dad. He ran off when I wasn't paying attention, I don't want him to be out here alone and die." I muster up.
"No I heard you." He says as he sits down next to me. "But, your Dad didn't run off. He's out there right now, I saw him before I ran off to follow you." He explains.
"Then whose blood did I follow? I swear there was a trail of blood." I say looking around. "I'm not crazy I know I saw it Eugene." Eugene just nods his head in agreement.
"Yeah I saw it too. But, it could be anything. A walker, a random animal, maybe just a random survivor. It was probably here before we all got here." He says as he adverts his eyes away from me.
I shrug my shoulders and sit there listening to the gunshots go off yet again. With a deep sigh I stand back up and look down at Eugene before extending my hand for him to grab. "Well I guess we better get back to them before we get left behind."
Eugene gulps slightly before jerking my hand gently. "Get down." He whispers. Without questioning I lay down on the rock and look up as a crowd of walkers walks towards us in the distance.
Of course, I'm so clueless. The gunshots. I can't believe this whole war made me forget what we were really supposed to be fighting against.
I look over at Eugene who was moving from a sitting position to laying on his stomach. He places his arms under his chin to hold his head up steadily. I eye him up and down before following by his example.
I stay quiet and close my eyes not even wanting to face what was coming directly towards us. Nothing in the world could prepare me for this, especially not with Eugene.
I peek through one eye as the walkers approach the rock and begin slamming against it as they march forward. A few fall only to be trampled by the others, the smell of them was enough to make me gag.
I take a deep breath before turning to face Eugene. I give him a half smile before gulping slightly. "Eugene." I whisper grabbing his attention. "We have to fight through them." I say. He widens his eyes and quickly shakes his head.
"No. We can't there's way too many of them for us to handle." He whisper as he looks back around. The walkers kept approaching us, it seemed as it was never ending. I look back at him and sigh before gently touching his shoulder.
"We can do it. We can run and fight our way through. Just kill the ones that get to close, we just need to run that way back towards the groups. It'll take their attention away from their fight and they will all attack the walkers. Hopefully." I say as I look around. "We either stay here and die or we fight."
He slowly nods his head and stands up right after I do. I point at the small opening the walkers had created before holding up three fingers. "On three. One. Two. Three." I whisper before running and jumping of the rock.
Eugene lands with a thud behind me before he scrambles to his feet. The walkers turn our direction and make their way towards us as we start to run. "Eugene pick up the pace." I say looking back at him. He limps slightly on his ankle while biting his lower lip.
"I twisted my ankle. I can't." He winces out. I sigh and run back wrapping my arm underneath him and running as fast as I could support both of our weight.
I see the small opening learning towards the field we had just ran out of earlier. "Almost there." I whisper. I yelp as a walker grabs my ankle making us both fall. I use my foot and kick it back before drawing my knife and stabbing it. "Go Eugene!" I yell.
He quickly hobbles away as I stay and fight off the walkers one by one. I groan as I slash and slash, a sudden pain happens in my side. I just be slinging my arm too hard. I quickly fight off the last walk close to me before running back into the field.
The shots fire as eyes land on me, I look between both groups as they stare me down. I must look like a monster covered in this walker blood but at least this made the shooting stop.
"There's walkers coming this way! A huge herd!" I yell. I look down at Rick's group and notice a familiar cowboy hat. "Carl?" I ask with wide eyes. I smile as I run towards him with open arms.
He wraps his arms around me making my side emerge in pain as I push myself away. "I'm sorry." I whisper as I touch his face and give him a soft kiss. "I would love to hug you longer but my side is killing me."
"I missed you." He mumbles as he stares me in my eyes. He looks up and sighs. "Your Dad is coming down here to ruin our reunion once more." He says as he places his hands on my hips giving me one more kiss.
"Sarah?" Dad asks his voice breaking slightly. Everyone aims their guns at him. I turn around to face him as he holds back a sob. "Oh fuck. Please no." He whispers as he stares at my side.
I look down as my shirt is drenched in walker blood... wait. No. My blood, and a perfect outline of teeth in my shirt. I widen my eyes and raise my shirt up to reveal teeth marks indented into my skin and blood rolling down my side.
"I.. I'm bit."

The Devils Daughter
FanfictionSarah, a young girl stripped away from her parents at the beginning of the apocalypse, fights with everything in her each day. Her only family at this point is a group who found her at Terminus, and saved her. Ever since then they had been inseparab...