I watch as Rick disappears into the distance before I turn back and face Carl. He had a straight face on before he looks down and gives me a crooked smile, I look over to the side before looking back up at him. "You okay?" I ask as I grab his hand in mine.
"Yeah, I was just thinking about your plan. I hope it works." He says sighing before dragging me along with him back down towards a small pond inside the gates. "I honestly didn't want your dad dead either, not just because I love you and want you to be happy, but I actually tired of everyone dying." He admits before sitting down.
I sit down next to him and grab a few rocks nearby and toss them into the pond. "I understand how you feel. I guess both of our dads have committed mass murders." I joke as I had him a rock to throw. "Hey do you know how to skip rocks?" I ask standing up.
He shakes his head, "No I never learned." I reach down and grab his hand helping him up. I look around and find two flat rocks, I pick them both up handing one to him.
"Okay I'm going to teach you. Hold it like this." I demonstrate using my hand, I laugh when he messes up which made him frustrated. "No no. Here," I pause my sentence and help him with it. "There you go. Okay now it's all in your wrist and your finger okay. You're going to bend your wrist backwards then sling it, make sure to use your finger to push it." I say as I sling my rock and watch it skip four times before sinking.
He nods his head and positions his body before slinging the rock, it skips once and he sighs. I nudge his shoulder, "Hey that was good for your first try don't be so down." I say kissing his cheek. "Try it again, put more force behind it this time. I say as I sit back down and judge him.
He looks around and picks up another flat rock, he sets his feet and flicks his wrist. I watch closely as the rock skips four or five times beating me, he jumps up in the air slightly before turning around and smiling.
I stand up and give him a hug, "See! You even beat me." I laugh as he wraps his arms around my waist. I pull back and look back out towards the pond, I felt as one of his arms dropped from around my waist. He places his hand on my face and turns me back to face him before he leans down and places a soft kiss on my lips.
"I love you." He mumbles in between kisses, making me slightly laugh as he breath tickles my face. I pull away and stare up at him before giving him one last kiss for good measure.
"I love you too." I say once I pull away, I grab his hand and we behind to walk around Alexandria once more. He stops and jerks me back towards him, he reaches into his back pocket and holds something tightly in hand.
"Here I found that thing you wanted." He says before he places a camouflage dog tag in my hand. "I remember you saying you wanted something like that to put on Abraham's grave. I found it when your dad was here taking our stuff. I was trying to find stuff and hide it. I came across that."
I smile as I admire it before clutching it in my hands. "Let's go pay them a visit." I nod my head quickly as I follow behind him, we walk around some bushes before I see the crosses sticking out of the ground. I walk up to Abe's and kneel down, opening my hand I take out the dog tag and place it on top of the cross before smiling lightly.
"I told you I wouldn't forget about you." I whisper before standing up and making my way back towards Carl. "I'm going to go talk to Eugene. I'll find you after." I say as I start to walk past him.
He grips my wrist and pulls me back towards him planting his lips on mine for a second before pulling away smiling down at me. "Okay now you can go." He says letting go of me, "I'll be at the armory counting up the guns we've lost."
I nod my head and wave to him as I run towards the gates where Eugene stood by himself. "Hey Eugene." I say once I stop in front of him, he turns around and faces me. "Did Rick tell you about the plan."
"Yes. I've done the math, and either way I'm going to end up dead so I refuse your offer." He replies as he takes a step away from me. I huff in annoyance, before crossing my arms and taking a step closer to him.
"You're going to do it. You won't end up dead, he will use you as bait just like he is Daryl." I pause and take another step closer to him getting in his face, "But, if you don't do it then I'll make sure you die myself. Don't piss me off Eugene." I say as I press my finger to his chest.
He gulps and closes his eyes for a split second before opening them again and slowly nodding. I smile and clasp my hands together, "Great! I knew you'd come through!" I hug him and pull away grabbing his arms. "So you start tonight. You know what to do. After you finish making your weapon you head out immediately we don't have much time to waste."
"I've already have a few prototypes in mind." He says with his gruff voice. Shouldn't take me too long if I start right now and work all night I should have it done by morning time maybe around sunrise." He says as he stares directly into my eyes.
I smile and nod my head before turning him around and pushing him towards the houses. "Good start right now. You leave in the morning. I'll be on gate duty for you until shifts change, make me proud." He digs the heel of his shoe into the ground making us stop.
"I do not feel comfortable leaving out tomorrow I don't even know where to set up the weapon." He says as he turns to face me. I shrug my shoulders before replying.
"Ask Rick. After you set it up make sure to get caught. We will make plans to meet after two days okay? Just hold out till then." I say as he sighs in defeat and turns around heading towards the houses.
"Don't hold out either. We got some pricks to kill."

The Devils Daughter
FanfictionSarah, a young girl stripped away from her parents at the beginning of the apocalypse, fights with everything in her each day. Her only family at this point is a group who found her at Terminus, and saved her. Ever since then they had been inseparab...