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My heart breaks, how could he say that to me? "Wow." I mumble out as he sighs and opens the door leaving me in there. "Wow." I say again my voice slightly trembling as tears well up into my eyes. Amber slowly wraps her arms around me and holds me in a secure hug.

"He's just a prick." She whispers as she rubs my back gently. I nod my head as I use my sleeve to wipe my tears before pulling myself away from her embrace. She gives me a sympathetic look, as she looks down at her ankle. "Do they have anyone here who can look at it?" She asks.

I pull up and chair and let her sit in it before I shrug my shoulders. "Probably. But, after that whole encounter I don't know if they'll even let the person look at it." I say sitting on the floor beside her, I hear a tiny knock on the door before it opens.

Aaron steps in and stares at me with a small smile on his face before he turns and shuts the door. He turns back around and opens his arms, I quickly stand up and run to him and hug him tightly. "I'm so sorry I betrayed you guys, I.. I was trying to protect you all." I sob into his chest as he pats my hair down.

"Shh. It's okay I know. I'm just glad your back. Which how did you even get here?" He says grabbing my shoulders and tugging me away so he could look at me. I raise my hand and point towards Amber who was staring at Aaron with curiosity.

"Her. This is Amber, one of my dads former wives. Not by choice of course." I say before looking back at Aaron. He glances over at her before glancing back at me. "I missed you. I know it's only been a day and a half but it felt like forever." I whisper as I step away from him.

"I missed you too. You had me worried sick." He says laughing slightly before he walks over to Amber he outreaches his hand. She slowly places her hand in his and shakes it. "Thank you for keeping her safe and bringing her back." He says as he lets go of her hand.

"No no. She kept me safe. I just brought her here." She slightly laughs before looking down at her ankle and slowly trying to move it which grabs Aaron's attention. He leans down and slowly rolls up her jeans before wincing.

"Hard fall?" He questions, she stays quiet and just nods her head. He slightly turns it to the side making her yelp as she grips the seat. He lets go and raises his hands up, "Sorry." He whispers before standing back up. "I don't think it's broken. We need to ice it and wrap it up. You also need to be on bed rest so it can heal properly."

I step up beside him, "Rick said you're going to show us to the house we will be staying in." I say, he nods his head and looks over at me, I reach my hand out and help Amber to her feet before he begins to talk.

"He also told me you two aren't allowed out of the house. I have to bring you guys the food and water. He also doesn't want.." He pauses to think his next words through carefully, "He doesn't want Carl to know you're here neither." I roll my eyes and cross my arms.

"That's bullshit. He's literally my boyfriend." I say grumpily as look down at my feet, "I want to see him." I whisper. Aaron sighs heavily and squeezes my shoulder before he speaks once more.

"I know but it's the rules. You know how Rick is about people following his rules. Now come on let's go get you two settled." He says as he wraps his arm around Amber's waist and slightly picks her up. I open the door and allow them to exit first before I start to follow behind them.

I look around at the houses, the neighbors that used to be friendly and wave to me turn their backs. I look down at my feet for the rest of the walk, not evening wanting to be noticed anymore. Currently I only had two people on my mind. Maggie and Carl.

"Here we are." Aaron say pointing at a house, this one being a bit smaller than the others but of course I didn't mind one bit. All three of us make our way up the steps and onto the porch before Aaron opens the door and lets Amber stumble in by herself. I come in last and close the door behind us.

"How's Maggie?" I question as I lay my bag on the floor. He looks over at me and frowns slightly. He walks into the living room and sits on the couch and pats it, which I accept and sit beside him.

"She's not that sick anymore. But she's grieving a lot. I haven't seen her much nor have I talked to her either." He says leaning back against the couch and looking up at the ceiling. "How are you? It seems you're checking on everyone but you had a hell of a lot going on as well." He says looking back over at me.

"My dad killed my two of my family. What more is there to even explain? My feelings are conflicted. I want to hate him, but he's my dad. How can you still care from someone who turned your life upside down?" I ask with a small laugh of disbelief coming out after. "I want to hate him, I want to so bad. But I can't. For that I feel guilty."

"You can't help how you feel." He whispers, "But, I do have to ask. Why did you go with him?" He says propping his elbows on his knees, looking very interested in my explanation.

"To save you guys. If I wouldn't of gone with him, he probably would've killed someone else to show me he wasn't fucking around. I had no other choice." I say placing my head in my hands and closing my eyes tightly.

"Oh." He replies, "I get it. Thank you." I quickly look up at him surprised he wasn't upset, everyone else was so I figured he would be as well. "What?" He questions as he notices my surprised face.

"You're not mad at me?" He laughs and shakes his before standing up and patting my head slightly. I smile up at him and watch as he looks over at the door then back at me.

"I have no reason to be mad at you pumpkin." He says before he walks to the door. "We don't really have anything to be scared about anymore now do we? As long as we do what he says. Which I know Rick will have a hard time doing so but still we can-" I cut him off.

"Dad is planning a war. He was never going to let you all live."

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