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Dad widens his eyes slightly but then smiles again as he presses his finger to the tip of my gun and slowly starts to push it down. "Bunny, don't get into this man to man conversation okay?" I scoff and hold my gun back up pointing it straight at his forehead.

"Don't fuck with me." I reply holding my gun steady. He chuckles again and shakes his head before taking a small step back away from Carl. He looks over at me then Carl before leaning slightly forwards.

"No I can't have you threatening me and my men." He says before Rick starts to tell Carl to put his gun down once more. "Rick don't be rude. We are having a conversation here." Dad says. "Now where were we? Oh right! Your giant man-sized balls! No threatening us."

I still hold my grip on my gun tightly holding it directly at my dads head. "Now, I said half your shit and half your shit is what I'm gonna get. I like you, and I know you don't want me to prove my point on how serious this is. Not again." He says his smile finally disappearing to show how serious he was.

Carl huffs and drops his gun, he looked over at me expecting me to as well but I don't. "Get out." I say harshly. My dad steps closer to me laughing slightly before he shakes his head and reaches out towards me making me flinch away.

"Come on bunny. Don't act like that. Quit the act and come on we have business to do." He says, I stare at the man behind him who was holding the crate. I aim my gun at his foot and shoot, his scream echoes throughout making my dad jump back slightly.

"I told you to get out." I say aiming my gun back at him. Suddenly my arms are jerked down and my gun flies out of my hands onto the floor. My dad smiles and bends over picking it up and placing it in his waistband.

"Thanks Dwight. Now." He says turning around and kneeling to the ground picking up the crate. Dwight's hands let go of me making me tumble forwards as dad pushing the crate into my hands. "Do your old man a favor and go put this in the truck. I'll forgive you since you didn't kill him, but they'll be consequences once we arrive back home."

I follow them all out to the truck and lay the crate in the back. More of his men come out of the armory tossing guns into the back as well, a lot of guns to be exact. I sigh then turn my head as I notice Olivia being drug up to the top and placed between Rick and dad.

I was too zoned out to hear their conversation, all I know is apparently two guns were missing which didn't seem like a big deal to me but to dad it was. Rick tries to explain but dad cuts him off and he starts to talk to Olivia. Her body was trembling and she was whimpering to herself as if she was about to cry.

"Dad leave her alone." I say stepping behind her and placing my hand behind her back and rubbing it as I death glare him. His face was straight, he was fucking around but neither was I.

"I told you to mind your own shit Sarah. Now go." He says harshly as he points his finger at me. "You've caused enough problems for one day." He says leaning back up straight to seem more dominant.

"Like you haven't?" I argue back. He grabs my arm and pulls me towards him leaning down closely to my face enough to where his breath was intoxicating me. I gulp slightly but squint my eyes staring him down as well.

"Get lost." He says before shoving me away. "Don't go too far, remember everyone is watching you." He replies as I start to walk away, I notice Carl sitting under a tree his hat over his face. I make my way towards him and sit beside him making him flinch a little and remove his hat to look at me.

"Hey." I say leaning my head against his shoulder. He stays quiet for a few minutes, I could feel the heat radiating off of him. Even if it was a bit cold today his body temperature was high.

He reaches down and grabs my hand into his. "Are you going back with them?" He whispers into my ear before kissing my cheek softly, I shrug my shoulders before looking up at him removing my head from his shoulder completely.

"I'm going to talk to dad. After he's not pissed at me anymore. See if I can work something out." I say sighing once he looks away from me and stares out in front of him. "We need to do something about this." I pause, "Before more people get killed."

He nods his head and watches as men walk by, some of them glances at us oddly making my stomach twist. "I don't know what to do. I'm.. I'm actually scared." He whispers under his breath. I squeeze his hand tightly as I turn my head staring in the same direction he was.

"Me too." I reply, "I'm not scared for myself. I'm scared for our group, this community. Dad won't lay a kill me or anything crazy, he's proved that time and time again. But, everything I do is going to have a consequence something that won't hurt me physically but mentally." I say.

"I don't want you to leave again." He turns and looks at me grabbing my chin with his fingers. "Please don't leave. Do what you can, beg him do whatever. Don't leave me again." He begs as he stares me in my eyes. I felt my heart drop to my stomach and I just nod my head. He releases my face and shakes his head sighing.

"What?" I ask as he quickly looks away from me, now it was my turn to force him to look at me. I place my hand on his cheek and slowly turn him to face me. "Carl what is it?" I ask once more as I scan his face.

"What if he doesn't let you? What if I never see you again?" He asks as he places his hand on top of mine. I frown slightly at the thought, "What will you do if he refuses to let you stay?" He asks as he stares me up and down. I slowly shrug my shoulder as I return a serious look.

"I'll kill him."

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