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"What?" He asks before standing up to his feet, his broad shoulders block the sun from hitting into my eyes as he stands over me. I nod my head and stare up with him, not faltering.

"Dwight did it. I watched him but I didn't do anything. I'm sorry if you're mad at me for not stopping him. I don't know why he did it, maybe just to hunt them down for fun or something dumb." I say shaking my head.

Dad outreaches his hand to help me up, I slowly grab it and let him pull me to my feet. He huffs to himself as he stares out towards the cabin.

"What am I gonna do with him?" He asks as he starts walking away and back the path we had recently just came down. I widen my eyes and jog to catch up to him, I grip his arm and yank on it.

"Don't do anything! Not yet. It's not a good time. Any other time I wouldn't care if you argued with him, but you do have a war on your hands and you're already stressed enough." I explain as I try to reason with him.

"I don't want a rat working with me. He could turn on me while we are fighting." He says as he yanks his arm away from my grasp and continues to walk in front of me.

"Then put him on the front lines, have some of your guys to secretly watch him. If he turns and aim you'll have them ready to shoot him." I get in front of him and face him while walking backwards. "Just don't cause stress on everyone else."

He sighs and nods his head, "Fine. I won't do anything until after I win the war. Then I'll handle him properly." I smile widely and wrap my arms around him hugging him tightly.

"I would never betray you like that." I mumble against his chest. "I'm your little girl." I say. I did feel quite bad for lying to him, but I rather lie then die.

"I know you wouldn't. You're your Daddy's girl." He chuckles as he kisses the top of my head before releasing me. I pull away and smile up at him before we make our way back up the path side by side.

I honestly couldn't believe my planned had worked. I just hope Dad's anger doesn't get the best of him and he spits out everything I told him. Dwight already hates me enough to kill me, especially after what I just done.

Dad and I talk about random things as we make our way back, the day was quiet and the sun made the cold air almost go unnoticed. Nothing but the chirping of birds, and moans of walkers in the distance filled the air. Until something else did.

Screams came from in front of us. Not bloodcurdling screams, just yelling. I widen my eyes and take off running with Dad towards the cabins, the closer we got the more words we could make out.

We run around to the front of the cabin to where one of Dad's men was screaming into the walkie. "What the hell is going on!" He yells as he gets to the front. His chest moves up and down rapidly as he tries to catch his breath.

The man turns around with wide eyes and shakes his head. "Sorry sir. I was arguing with Simon." Dad huffs and leans up, he glares down at the man before chuckling. He yanks the walkie from his hand and ushers him off.

"Simonnnn." Dad speaks, muffling comes from the other side, "Can you please quit messing with my men?" He asks with a small laugh following behind.

"Sorry." Simon voice breaks through, "I was telling him to come and find you, I wanted to talk." Simon says. Dad coughs and clears his throat before looking around at everyone basically telling them to wander off somewhere.

Everyone goes except for me, I stay in my spot not moving. Dad didn't seem to mind it though. "Go on." He says into the walkie.

"I was snooping around, and I found fresh blood on the ground outside. One of our guards are missing and I think someone has broken in." Simon explains. Dad shakes his head softly and takes in every word.

"Well have you went and looked around? Maybe it was just an outsider. Or maybe the guard got hurt and walked to go get fixed up." Dad says as he looks over his shoulder at me.

"Well.. No I haven't looked around." Simon says. It stays quiet for a few moments before Simon talks again. "Ok I'll go look. I'll let you know if I find anything."

"Alrighty." Dad says before lowering the walkie and clipping it to his pants. "Sometimes he's so stupid." He laughs before he makes his way back into the cabin. I follow in behind him and watch as he sits down in a rocking chair.

"Hey Dad.. Um am I allowed to carry a gun?" I ask. Dad peers up at me before tilting his head to the side. He brings his hand up to his mouth and holds it there as he thinks.

"When we go to fight I will. I'm just not comfortable with you having one right now. You can carry one of my knives." He says as he reaches around himself and grabs one and lays it in my hand. "Just to protect yourself from Dwight if he tries anything stupid."

"Thank you." I say before giving him a small hug. I lean back up and walk towards the window. The sun was shining through the tattered blanket casting warmth down onto my frozen skin.

I smile and hold the knife up towards the sunlight and watch as it glisten and slightly blinds me before I lower it back down. I look over my shoulder at Dad who was smiling softly at me.

His walkie made static noises, but he choose to ignore them. He stood up and made his way over to me, "This was the knife your mother had bought for me for our first anniversary. It's one of a kind. Just like her.. And you." He says smiling.

Dad leans against the wall before a scream comes from his walkie making him yank it from his pants and talk into it.

"Simon? Simon! What's going on?" He says and leans his ear towards the walkie waiting for a reply. He groans and hits it a few times with his hand.

"Sorry. I heard the scream and I'm heading towards it right now. I was about to talk to you to tell you it was clear over here but then someone screamed." Simon pauses and the line goes silent. "Holy fuck." Simon utters out in pure fear.

"What is it? Hell Simon come on give me something!" Dad yells as his eyebrows furrow together. He stares at me fear evident on his face and eyes.

"They're here."

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