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I grab a pillow and hit him with it while laughing. "Don't ever say that again." I say as he grabs the pillow from my hands and tosses it back onto the bed. He leans down and captures my lips with his, his hand placed softly on my hips before he pulls away and smiles down at me.

"Even after all of that you're still beautiful." He whispers as his hand comes up to my face and cups my cheek. He leans down and kisses my forehead softly before rolling off of me until his feet hit the floor.

I lay there for a few seconds before my vision is covered by what seems to be my clothes. I pull them off my face, and stand up. "After you get dress I'll take you to where I saw dad last." He says as he tosses his shirt back on then his flannel.

I nod my head as I slip back into my panties and hook my bra back. My jeans glide up my legs before I jump a little to get them over my thighs and butt. I hear Carl chuckling behind me as I do so, I turn around and give him a glare to which he puts his hands up to his defense.

I toss my tank top on, then a flannel that was similar to Carl's before placing my shoes back onto my feet. "Okay let's go." I say looking over at him a small smile on my face, which quickly disappears once he stares at me, or rather so my head. "What?" I ask.

"Might want to fix your hair first." He says before he burst out with laughter. I groan in annoyance before walking over to the mirror and grabbing my brush to flatten it down.

"Screw you." I mumble as I place my brush back down and walk towards him where he was waiting for me with the bedroom door open.

"Well, I mean if you insist." He bites the inside of his cheek to not laugh anymore. I smile and laugh slightly before grabbing his hand and pulling him behind me as we exit the bedroom.

As we make our way down the stairs I let go of his hand and walk ahead until we reach the outside to where I let him take the lead. "You said the armory right?" I ask as I walk a step behind him, he nods his head as we make our way to the front of the armory doors.

"If you need me I'll be back in the watch towers, I'm taking over Sasha's shift." He says as he kisses the top of my head and makes his way to the tower.

I open the door and walk in making my way towards the back where I see both Rick and Michonne picking up guns and placing them in a pile. "Hey guys." I say as I walk closer towards them. Michonne smiles and waves at me before she continues to what she was doing before.

"Hey." Rick says not looking up from the guns as he inspects them then hands them to Michonne. I hoist myself up onto the table closer to them and swing my legs back and forth while watching them closely. "What is it?" Rick asks finally breaking the silence.

"I want to go with you guys tomorrow." I speak up. Ricks figure finally leans up and turns to face me. He does a crooked smile before nodding his head slightly, his tongue peaking out of the corner of his mouth.

"Did you tell Carl?" He asks leaning back against the shelf behind him. I shake my head as I stare directly towards him. "You better tell him." He says turning back around towards the guns.

"Why should I? He doesn't control what I do with my life." I mumble as I hop down from the table making my way over towards Rick. "I don't see you controlling Michonnes decisions." I say smugly.

"That's because Michonne is a woman, and she can protect herself." He says nonchalantly. I laugh sarcastically, before crossing my arms over my chest.

"Last time I checked I help save your groups ass at Terminus, so I think I can protect myself and others." I argue back, surprisingly Michonne hasn't said a thing but I hear a few laughs escape her mouth. They are quiet, but I can still hear them.

"Fine. But, Carl is still going to know. Otherwise, he's going to take it out on me when we get back." He says as he tosses me a gun. "Here take this, keep it with you and bring it tomorrow. We are going to try and leave as early as possible. Be ready or we are leaving without you." He says giving me a small glare to show how serious he was.

I nod my head taking the gun and making my exit. I sigh as the sun begins to hide itself behind the trees casting shadows everywhere. The sky now a beautiful shade of pink, and orange instead of its regular color of blue.

I make my way down the old dirt path that I am so familiar with until I make my way into the house and upstairs to the bedroom Carl and I share together. I slide the gun underneath the bed before sliding my flannel off and covering the gun over just incase.

I make my way back downstairs and outside. I knew Rick thinks I'm going to tell Carl, but I'm not. I will pretend I did. I breathe slowly as I make my way down to the watch towers and notice Carl on the ground by the gates. His arms crossed over his chest and his hat placed slightly down covering his eye.

I finally reach him, I reach out to take his hands but he just pulls away. "Carl?" I question as I try to look up underneath his hat. He grabs the top of his hat and lifts it up before placing it correctly on his head.

"Was you really not going to tell me?" He asks as venom drips in his voice. I feel my heartbeat quicken and felt as if I was going to pass out. I look down and kick a random rock that was placed beside my boots.

"I knew if I did you wouldn't let me go." I say after a few moments of silence. He scoffs making me look back up at him, his frail body leans up off of the wall behind him as he stares down at me.

"I don't control your life. I mean yeah I would like if you wouldn't go but hell. You could still tell me. I am your boyfriend." He mutters as his hands grip onto my shoulder just tight enough to where I couldn't pull away.

"I just didn't think it was important-" I start but I am quickly cut off but his sarcastic laugh, his hands fall off my shoulder. "You're seriously mad at me for a decision I made for myself? It's my life Carl." I say crossing my arms.

"Jesus Christ. I know that! But, it wouldn't hurt to tell me! What if I were to wake up and see you gone. How do you think that would make me feel! Put yourself in my shoes for once Sarah. And stop being so self absorbed." He mutters before he walks away.

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