Carl chuckles at my remark as I turn around and run back towards Alexandria along with him. "Let's get back before we get our asses beat." He says as he begins to run faster making me stumble a bit behind. "Come on you can go faster." He laughs making me roll my eyes.
"Okay shut up." I say as I force my legs to move faster, he stops midway making me crash into his back and fall down. "Carl what the hell!" I yell. He quickly covers my mouth and helps me stand up, I move around and notice a truck parked right in front of the gates of Alexandria.
"Let's go over the wall right here." He whispers as we make our way to the wall. He moves the leaves around and grabs two metal things and sticks them into the wall. "Use these to climb then toss them back down to me." He whispers.
I nod my head and begin my climb, once on the top I toss them down and wait until he reaches up to me and hands them back so I could climb down the other side. I toss one up to him then the other and watch as he climbs down as well, once he touches the group I grab his hand and head towards the house.
In the distance I notice Rick standing at the gates, I stop in my tracks once I hear my name being mentioned. Carl forces me to keep moving until we make it into our house, everyone must've been with Rick considering the house was empty besides us.
"They said my name." I say, Carl just nods his head and he places his knife on the countertop along with his gun. "What if they came here just for me? I don't want innocent people to die just because of something I done on my own." I sigh and then widen my eyes. "Shit. Amber."
I run upstairs and push the door open. She wasn't there. The bed was messy, the covers thrown everywhere, I walk around the room and notice her bag gone as well. I quickly run out of the room and towards the bathroom, I push the door open and she wasn't there either.
I quickly run downstairs and out the door past Carl, I can hear his footsteps starting up behind me. I don't even know if I took the steps off the porch, I just know I was already on the path towards the front gate where multiple people was gathered.
"Amber!" I yell out as I run down there, everyone turns to face me and Rick eyes widen as he holds his hands up as to tell me to stop and go back. Of course I didn't listen as I kept running till I got down there. "Where is she Rick?" I say as I stop. I look around her and see her standing outside the gates along with Simon.
"Sarah! Sweetie!" He says as he starts to laugh, his arm tightly around Ambers arm as she stares down at the ground. I grit my teeth and push past Rick till I make it towards the gate myself, "Long time no see huh?" He chuckles as he walks closer towards me.
"Give her back." I say, "She's not yours to keep." I say as I grab the gate in front of me putting my fingers through the holes. He clicks his tongue and shakes his head as he lets go of her arm to place his hands on his hips.
"No can do. Well. Unless you want to turn yourself over to us. I'm sure Mr. Rick wouldn't mind a little switch-a-roo." He says smiling as he peaks over my shoulder at Rick, "Isn't that right Ricky?" He says as he rubs his hands together.
"No." He says under his breath and raises his hands up. "Just take the girl and leave Sarah out of this." He says as he walks up behind me, I turn my head and stare at him before looking back at Simon.
"No. You won't leave until you give her back." I say as I slide my hands off the gates. He leans down to where he was eye leveled with me through the fence. He breathes out making me a crutch up my nose.
"Watch me." He says. I hear the crunching of gravel behind him as he leans up and turns around. "Ah finally! He's here!" He says as he clasp his hands together and walks around his truck, I move around and notice yet another truck coming into view.
I watch the door open and a man hop down, a wrap around his leg as he hobbles slightly. The door shuts and my dads face appears, clearly he was pissed. Simon helps him move towards the gates, the closer he gets the more pissed off he seems as he glares me down.
"Little pig, little pig. Let. Me. In." He says as he reaches the gates. I take a step back away from the gates, not even wanting to be near the man. He hits his bat against the metal a few times before Rick nods his head and lets the bastard straight into our home.
Dad smiles as he walks in "Hot diggity dog! This place is magnificent!" He looks down at me, "No wonder you ran away to come back here." He says smiling. Man, he must be very bipolar. I shudder and back away closer to the rest of the group away from him as he begins to look around.
The rest of his men walk in, dad hands Rick his bat as he starts to talk nonsense about some stuff. I follow up behind him and tap him on his shoulder, "You better hope you- Oh. Hey sunshine." My dad says laughing as he leans down.
"Leave." I mumble under my breath. His smile drops and he leans down closer to my face staring at me for a few moments before speaking up.
"Not until I get my hands on that sweet boyfriend of yours." He says before leaning back up, my heart quickly drops as he makes his way towards Carl. I was begging in my head to just run away and not look back, but of course he just stood there.
I turn around as everyone's eyes were on dad and look through his group of men until I find someone very familiar. I take a few steps closer passing everyone else in the mean time, he was dressed in something that looked like a potato sack with the letter 'A' sprayed painted on it.

The Devils Daughter
FanfictionSarah, a young girl stripped away from her parents at the beginning of the apocalypse, fights with everything in her each day. Her only family at this point is a group who found her at Terminus, and saved her. Ever since then they had been inseparab...