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The morning sunlight peaks through the windows shining brightly into my eyes and waking me up. I stretch my arms in the air and then proceed to rub my eyes before looking around. "Amber?" I whisper out. "Amber?" I whisper yell before standing up.

But, nobody answered. She was nowhere to be seen as far as I could tell. I look around for my bag and find it neatly stashed in the corner, so if she did leave me behind then at least I still have my shit.

I run my hand through my hair as my heartbeat begins to pick up, did she actually leave me? That bitch. I reach behind me and grab the gun, which I'm surprised is still there. I start to make my way over to grab my back but a noise outside makes me stop.

I hold my gun up at the door as the door handle begins to twist back and forth slowly. I'm screwed. The door finally swings open and Amber stands there with some berries in her hand, her eyes widen with shock as I have my gun pointed at her.

"Shit Amber I thought you left." I sigh before placing my gun back behind me in my jeans. She takes a deep breath before walking over to me and handing me a few berries she had picked out.

"Sorry, I couldn't really sleep. I went out early this morning. I had the door tied up so nothing could get in." She says as she sits down and plops a berry into her mouth, she sighs happily as she eats another one.

"Yeah and I couldn't of gotten out either." I say before sitting beside her. She covers her mouth with her hand as she stifles back a laugh. I give her a bit of side eye before eating a berry out of my hand. "What?" I question.

"Just use the window." She replies as she stuff the rest of the berries into her mouth making her cheeks swell up like a chipmunks. I feel my face flush from embarrassment as I slowly eat the last few berries in my hand before standing up and grabbing my bag.

"Well, let's go." I say helping her up. She groans slightly as she puts pressure down on her ankle. "Are you sure you're okay? You can make the trip?" I say she smiles softly and nods her head. I lean down and roll her jeans up and look at her ankle which seemed to be bruised and swollen. "Damn." I say before standing back up.

"I'll be able to make it. Let's go. They are probably already looking for us anyway. We need to stay ahead." I nod my head as we walk out the door, I follow the same path we were on last night. Thankfully it's not as cold, the sun is out warming us up slightly.

"We will mostly be going straight now. Maybe a few turns here and there." She says as she looks around inspecting the area. I stay silent as I listen to the leaves crunch beneath my feet, usually I would love this sound. But, nothing is really enjoyable anymore.

We stay walking side by side for what felt like hours. Before she grabs my arm and pulls me to the right with her making me trip slightly, but I catch myself before falling. "You could've said we were turning." I say as I straighten myself back up.

"You looked like you didn't want me to talk so I didn't." She replies as she continues to walk forward not sparing me a glance. I shove my hands in my front pockets, or well my fingers considering most of my jeans have pockets big enough to fit just a pebble.

"Do you regret leaving? It's just I know you wanted to. But, you don't act scared or anything. You're way more calm then I am." I say sighing as I continue to step around trying to step on the crunchiest leaves. She slightly laughs as the wind picks up and carries it away.

"No. I don't regret it. The only thing I'm living for at this point is my freedom. Now I have it." She pauses, "Well I almost have it." She corrects herself as we continue to walk straight.

"You will have it. Because we are going to make it." I smile halfway at her before looking back in front of me. Yet again, it was silent. Nothing but the sound of our feet stomping against the hard Earth, and the slight wind that was whistling through the trees as if trying to sing a lullaby.

"He's not planning on letting them live." She says out of nowhere, making my breath hitch. I stop walking as I stare at her, she stops just a few steps in front of me and turns around. She looks down at her feet apologetically. "I didn't want to say anything."

"Wait. What?" I ask in disbelief. "You're lying. He wouldn't go that far. I understand he can be a bad person sometimes, but my dad wouldn't go that far. I know him better than that." I say as I step up closer to her.

"I guess you don't know him at all then." She says turning around and starting to walk again. I jog slightly until I end up beside her, I open and close my mouth a few times trying to form a sentence but failing in doing so.

Fuck. I guess me leaving is going to make this ten times worse on them, I should've stayed. Maybe I could've talked him out of it, change his mind. It's too late for that now, I'll have to get to Alexandria before they do. Damn it.

"Hey. Hey!" Amber says as she gently shakes me. "What are you thinking about? I've been yelling at you for the past two minutes." She scoffs slightly as if she was annoyed with my lack of attention. "You're not think about going back are you?" I quickly shake my head.

"No. I'm just regretting leaving. This is going to make him even more mad, dad will think they came and stole me back. If I stayed I could've changed his mind." She rolls her eyes before grabbing me by my shoulders.

"Your father is a lost man. He doesn't listen to anyone but himself. You might be his little girl, but he doesn't give a shit about how you feel. He never will. Whether you would've stayed or not, this was going to happen." She says sternly as if she was talking to a child.

"Why though? Why would he go through this much trouble to just kill. He's probably doing it for fun." I say as I shove past her a little and continue walking straight. She limps like before to catch up to me, I slow down giving her the opportunity to.

"He's doing it for power. He loves it." She says as she gently pats my back. "He wants to be feared, loved, and everything in between. He's a sick man with a sick mind." She whispers, she then points to the left leading us across some tracks.

"It's a war, Sarah. And you're going to be forced to pick a side. Neither showing mercy."

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