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Sasha steps forward and takes a closer look before nodding her head. "She's right, look." She says as she points at the walkers head that has Michonnes hair attached to it.

Everyone stays quiet and exchanges looks as if we didn't know what to do next. "What are we going to do? We don't know where they are, if they're dead or if they're alive." Aaron says but I shake my head.

"They are alive. Daryl and Michonne wouldn't die that easily." I say as I look back at the walkers then at Rick who hasn't said a word in the past few minutes. He rubs his forehead before taking a step forward to get a closer look.

He reaches his hand up and yanks the hair out and holds it in his hand, the hair gently shakes indicating Rick was shaking himself. He must be nervous he turns around and starts to say something but is cut off my gunshots shooting at our feet. "Everyone back in the RV now!" He screams.

I feel an arm wrap around my waist and my feet leave the ground, I look up and see Carl's teeth gritting together as he carries me with one arm into the RV. "Fuck." He mumbles as the shots continue, he lets me set my feet in the RV before he shuts the door and stays outside with the others.

I look out the front window as the others shoot into the woods, Rick drops his axe and quickly lunges for it. I shake my head, "I should be out there." I mumble as I watch Rick hack at one of the walkers arms. I quickly make my way back to the door and open it holding my gun up and shooting into the woods like everyone else.

"Sarah go back in!" Carl screams as he moves himself beside of me, I shake my head as I point my gun in all kinds of directions facing the woods. "Go!" He yells but I ignore him as I make my way closer towards the woods.

Sasha shoots the rest of the walkers after Rick separate the line, the others helping shoot the rest of them. I turn my head my head at the wrong moment and feel my leg start to burn. I look towards the woods and notice a few men standing up.

"Shit." I hear Carl mumbles, I feel the burning in my leg become worse and I look down noticing my jeans covered in blood. "She got shot!" He screams as he picks me up and carries me into the RV. I feel my body begin to shake and my throat filling up with words that wouldn't come out so I suffocate on them.

As everyone makes their way onto the RV, Abe quickly begins to drive out of there. Aaron rushes back to my side as he gently places his hand on my leg making me wince. He holds his hand up that is now coated in my blood before he gulps making his adams apple move up and down.

"Get these jeans off of her. I need a closer look." He says, I close my eyes as Carl undoes my jeans. Everyone turns their head to give me privacy, as Carl pulls them down slowly. The fabric rubbing up against my wound was enough to make tears well into my eyes and make me let out a small yelp.

Once my jeans were completely off Aaron leans down closer and I hear him sigh. He lets out a breathy laugh before looking up me, "You're one lucky son of a bitch." He smiles before grabbing the first aid kit from the cabinet above. "It hit the side of your leg, more of a graze then an actually gun shot wound." He says as he begins to clean it.

I grip onto Carls hand as the burning becomes worse but then finally cools down within seconds. Aaron begins to wrap my leg up securely so no more blood could escape. "There. That should do it." He says proudly as he pats my head, before standing up and putting everything away.

Carl stand and walks off staying gone for a few minutes before walking back and handing me a pair of sweats. "This is all I could find." He says watching me as I slowly stand up and put them on. I struggle to lift my left leg to slip the pant leg on. "Here sit down let me do it." He says pushing me slightly back.

I sit back down on the seat as Carl gently places my legs into each side of my pants, I stand up and lean down to which he just shakes his head and pushes me back up. "I got it." I try to protest but he doesn't listen.

He fingers grab the side of the pants and slowly pull them up my legs, his fingers tickling my thighs as they make their way upwards until the pants are now snug around my hips. "Thank you." I whisper.

"I told you to stay inside." He said shaking his head as he sits beside me. "Why can't you ever listen to me?" He asks before turning and looking at me, he grabs my hands and gently rubs his thumbs over the top of them. "I don't do this stuff to be mean, I'm trying to protect you. I love you." He whispers out.

I look down at our hands before sighing deeply and gently pulling my hands away. "Carl, I can protect myself. I appreciate you caring so much for me, but you have to understand that you can't control what I can and can't do." I say leaning my head back against the window.

He stays quiet, the RV gently shaking making me feel drowsy. "You're so stubborn ya know that?" He speaks up after a few minutes. "So fucking stubborn." He says as he leans his head back against the window like me. "But, so am I." He admits before smiling up at the roof.

I stay quiet and cross my arms, I was still in no mood to talk to him. After a few minutes I begin to think, I stand up and make my way towards Rick who was still holding that piece of Michonnes hair in his hand. "Hey Rick." I say quietly to not alert the others. "Can I talk to you?" I ask.

He nods his head and pats the empty seat next to him, I sit down beside him and play with my thumbs. "So I was just thinking. Maybe it's a long shot or I'm just crazy. But.." I pause and take a deep breath, "They shot at our feet. They weren't trying to kill us, and they didn't shoot at the RV.

He looks over at me with a questioning look. "And? What are you implying?" He questions before he looks back down at the ground at his muddy boots. I shrug my shoulders slightly.

"I could be wrong, but I think this is a trap. They want us to go this way... Otherwise they would've stopped us." I say as I gulp noticing for the first time fear appearing on Rick Grimes's face.

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