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I smile watching him run off, I get up from my spot and move to the steps to sit down.

"Hey." I look up to the person and roll my eyes looking away.

"What the hell do you want?" I growl.

"I want to apologize for everything I've done. I just.. I haven't been thinking straight. I'm sorry. It's just Carl was a new guy. It's been awhile since I've seen familiar faces." I sigh.

"I guess it's okay." I mumble.

"Can I sit?" I nod my head. "I hope you can actually forgive me one day. I don't know what I was thinking."

"It's okay Enid. Really. But, if that's the way you greet people it needs some work." We both laugh, she sighs and looks back at me.

"I came onto him. It's just, I'm dating Ron. But, he doesn't show any affection like that towards me and he doesn't love me like Carl loves you. I was wanting what you and Carl had so I was trying to steal it." I pat her back and look at her solemnly.

"Hey, Carl doesn't love me okay? We just like each other a lot. Plus, I didn't know you and Ron was dating. Have you talked to him about the way you feel?" She laughs sarcastically.

"Yeah so he can make me look like a fool? No way."

"Enid. Talk to him, if he doesn't listen to you then he's not the one. He needs to man up, and what better time then now?" She looks at me and gives me a soft smile. She pulls me into a hug.

"Thank you. Sorry for trying to take your man." I laugh and pull away smiling.

"Don't try it again, I would hate to put you on your ass." I joke. She nods smiling before standing up.

"Yes ma'am. I'm going to go talk to him now, I'll stop by later and let you know how things go." I nod my head before waving goodbye to her.

I stand up once more and make my way down the steps before hearing something made of glass break. I hear someone screaming something incoherent, I run towards the screams and notice Rick on top of some man beating him. Blood was everywhere.

I take a few steps closer and notice who it was. Pete. I run faster towards the commotion, others following in behind me.

"Rick! Get off him!" I run towards him, he pushes me down. I grunt in pain and stand back up going to grab him once more, yet again my ass meets the ground. I feel hands pull me up to my feet.

"Dad stop it!" Carl gets pushed away as well from him.

"Rick! Damn it I said stop it!" Rick pulls away from Pete and sits on his knees pulling out a gun and pointing it.

"Or what? You gonna kick me out?" Deanna has both her hands out eyeing Rick slowly.

"Rick. Put the gun down." Deanna tries to take a few weary steps towards him. Rick just laughs and shakes his head.

"You 𝒔𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍 don't get it." He laughs, "None of you do! Starting right now, we have to live in the real world! We need to control who lives here." Deanna glares him down.

"That has never been more clear to me than it is right now." Rick laughs hysterically and puts the gun and his free hand at himself.

"Me? Me? You-" he pauses to laugh once more. "You mean me? Your way of living gets people killed! It already has killed people. I'm not going to stand by and-" Michonne walks up and punches Rick out cold stopping his rampage.

I look over at Carl, a shocked look sprawls across his face at the mess before him. I sigh and turn back to Michonne and Rick, I make my way towards them and help her pick Rick up and take him away.

(Time skip)

It's been hours since that whole incident, Carl just got back from seeing Rick.

"My turn?" I question standing up walking towards him. He shrugs his shoulders.

"If you can get past Michonne, she sent me back home. I have no idea why he acted like that. Waving a gun around like it was a toy." He huffs and shakes his head before eyeing me. I give him a tiny frown before kissing his cheek.

"I'll see you later ok? I'm going to go talk to him." He nods and leans down giving me a small kiss before letting me go. I march my way towards the room Rick was in and slam the door open earning his and Michonne's attention.

"Rick what the actual fuck were you thinking? Bringing a gun in here? Are you trying to get us kicked out?" I scold, Michonne smirks and stands up before patting my back and whispering a 'get him' in my ear. She shuts the door behind her leaving Rick and I alone.

"For you to be a grown man, you are pretty dumb. You know Deanna is probably thinking about kicking you out? Did you think about that before waving your gun aimlessly at all of us? Or were you only looking out for the Anderson's? Forgetting about the rest of us here. You could've just told Michonne what was happening, she would've helped you. They moved him into a new house, you could've done that in the first place." He sits there staring at the floor, no words flow from his mouth.

I give a laugh before standing up and making my way over to him. I stand above him with my arms crossed, as I glare at him. "Stop acting stupid, you're a leader. Lead us Rick, don't go crazy. Not again. Don't make us lose you once more." He sighs and looks up at me.

"I'm sorry." He finally spit out. I laugh and raise an eyebrow while playing with my necklace.

"Is that all you can say?" I step back as he pushes himself up to stand above me. He looks me in my eyes, a glint of anger sprawls across them.

"I had to do what I had to do. I'm the leader, I'm an adult. You are a child. You have no right talking to me like this." I take another step back as he sits down once last time. I roll my eyes at him and scoff before making me way to the door, I open it and step out.

"Hey Rick?"

"What?" He questions, anger dripping from the word like venom.

"Stop being a dumbass."

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