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Dad growls under his breath as he steps up closer. "Hi Ricky." He says trying to put on his fake demeanor as usual. "Now before we go all crazy here, I wanted to make an offer."

"No.. I'm through with all your little offers and lies." Rick says shaking his head before pointing at me. "The only offer I will accept is if you hand Sarah over and you and your men go on your way."

Dad laughs and shakes his head. "Now you see, that's not happening." He says sighing as he swings his bat back and forth as if he was practicing. "Now I'd hate to recreate some memories, but if I need to. I most certainly will."

Rick shakes his head and motions for the rest of his group and some others to come out of the other side of the woods which sent a shock to Dad's while crew. I knew they weren't expecting this, but if they knew Rick like I did they wouldn't underestimate the power this man holds.

I look over at Eugene who was sticking his hand in pocket and seemed to be fumbling around with something. He looks up at me before blinking a few times, as if it was morse code. I continue to stare at him before finally focusing on his blinking, holy shit it was morse code.

'B. E. P. R. E. P. A. R. E. D.' I read in my head, I piece the letters together and smile before quickly nodding my head. I look down making sure I was on the spot he had assigned for me, I look back down the hill at my group.

"Men. Aim." Dad shouts, they all aim their guns directly at Rick's group without any hesitation. "Rick I am not playing no games here, I'm not gonna tickle your balls." Dad laughs as he shakes his head. "I will kill you."

Rick, along with the others raise their weapons. I follow their aim and it landed on everyone including Eugene, but not me. I shake my head trying to send a signal but the never spared me a glance.

I take a deep breath and look around for Carl because I knew his eyes would be on me. My heart drops when I don't find his figure anywhere amongst the crowd. He didn't come.

I bite my tongue to hold back some tears. I knew he wouldn't come, he knows I would be pissed if he did. But, still yet I thought he would want to see me. Maybe I was wrong.

"I'm not here to play either. I want back what you stole from us. What you stole from them." Rick says as he motions towards the other group that had joined in their forces. "You're gonna regret the day you were born."

"You're gonna regret fucking with me." Dad says, he looks around the group before snickering, "Too bad your son isn't here to say goodbye to his Daddy. What a shame." Dad say shaking his head. He turns back to me making sure his voice was loud and clear. "See honey he doesn't even care about you. Papa is always right." He says.

"Don't listen to him Sarah!" Rick shouts. "Negan you leave her and my son out of this. This is between us." Rick says as he takes a few steps up towards the hill. "I told you. I was gonna kill you, today might just be your last day on Earth."

Dad turns back around and faces Rick once more while he clicks his tongue and shakes his head. "Ricky come on. We're just a bunch of pals joking around aren't we?" He asks laughing and swinging his bat off his shoulder. "Don't take this to heart."

"Dad." I whisper out. "Stop this. Let's just go home." I beg as I take a few steps towards him only for him to point his bat at me making me stop in my tracks.

"What home? Did you already forget these pricks ruined it? They attacked our home. There's no place to go back to." Dad explains with a stern look making me shuffle back into my spot.

Dad sighs as he looks back at his men. He holds his hand up as to silence Rick for a moment, "Rick could you give me a moment to speak to my men? It'll be just a quick talk. Pinky swear." He says holding his pinky in the air before placing his arm back by his side.

He motions for Dwight to step forward and placed an hand on his shoulder. "Dwight, when we advance on you're going first." Dwight widens his eyes and opens his mouth before Dad cuts him off. "There's no room for argument."

"I'm just confused on why you're sending me first? I'm one of your best man and you're putting me in the center to be killed?" He questions. Dad shrugs his shoulder before smiling.

"You'll be okay. If not, I'll make sure to pick pretty flowers for your grave." He says before taking a small step back. "Go ahead and pick out which group you're going to take with you." He says.

I watch as Rick's group stares at Dad in confusion, which at this point I can't honestly blame him. Who acts like this in the middle of a fight? Well, my Dad of course.

I turn my attention back to Dwight he was tapping men on their shoulder and whispering in their ear before moving on. He taps on mine making me look up, he smiles crookedly before bending down. "You're in my group."

I shudder slightly as he walks away, the stench of his horrid 'natural smell' left behind as if it was just the salt to the wound he had already created. I was hoping Dad would say something about it but he didn't. He was too caught up in his own little fairytale to take notice.

"So Rick. What will it be? Deal or no deal?" Dad questions as he points his bat at Rick as if it were a microphone. Rick looks back at the group before looking back up at us.

"No deal." Rick grunts out as he clutches his weapon tighter in his hand. Dad sighs and shakes his head, he lowers the bat back to the ground and starts to laugh.

"Damn it Rick. Always trying to make me the bad guy. Oh well." Dad says turning towards us all. "Men! Move!" He yells. I widen my eyes and begin to yell for them to stop before shots fire from different angles making Dad's men hit the ground dead.

It was as if was a graveyard around me. Dad widens his eyes as he looks around at his fallen soldiers, he turns around to say something before another shot goes off and whistles through the air. I stand still as I look around trying to indicate which direction it was heading from before Dad grabs hi shoulder and yells before falling to the ground.

"Dad no!"

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