I stay still in my spot as I watch all three of them disappear behind the gate. I squint my eyes as the sun beams down, kissing my skin. I sigh as I turn away from the gates and walk towards the house, I notice a few people sitting outside as I make my way to them.
"Hey Glenn, Hi Maggie." I smile as I greet them, both of them giving me a small hug before moving back to their original stances. "What are you two talking about?" I ask as I sit down on the porch crossing my legs.
"We were actually talking about you, and that necklace. I told Maggie I wanted one as well. You have the baseball bat, me with a baseball, and her with the glove. A family thing." Glenn smiles as he reaches over and cups Maggie's hand gently.
"I told him it would be impossible." Maggie shakes her head, as her lips form into a smile. I slightly laugh as I listen to the breeze flowing through the trees.
"Actually maybe not impossible. I'm sure we could make them ourself somehow. Find some plain necklaces and just have someone here weld the charms." I say before standing up and wiping my sweaty palms on my jeans.
Glenn nods approvingly. "Well I guess I could go out for a run. We are low on food as well so I can just skim through stores." Glenn looks at me, with his head slightly tilted to the side.
"Yes I'll come with you." I say laughing at his expression. He shakes his head before looking down and laughing himself.
"Okay how did you know I was going to ask?" He says letting go of Maggie's hand and taking a few steps towards me. His arms crossed over one another as he raises an eyebrow in confusion.
"You're like an open book Glenn Rhee. But, go ahead and get ready. I'll be back I need to tell Carl." I say playing punching his shoulder before running down the steps and towards the guard tower. I maintain my breathing once I reach the ladder before climbing up.
I climb in and notice Carl staring out the small window before drawing his attention towards me. His once straight lips curved into a small smile as he grabs my hand and helps me up.
"I was starting to think you were never going to come back." He jokes as he pulls his hand from mine only to immediately replace it on the side of my head to swipe some stray hairs from my face.
"Well, about that. I'm about to go on a run with Glenn actually and I wanted to inform you first." I say looking up at him, his face slightly drops as he sighs.
"Do you have to?" He asks rubbing his thumb against my cheekbone softly as his eye stares me up and down. I shiver underneath his gaze, but nod my head.
"I'm sorry, but I promise it will not take me long. It's a simple run." I say placing my arms around his neck, pulling him slightly down to give him a reassuring kiss. Moments after pulling away he reattaches his lips to my forehead, only for a few seconds before pulling away again.
"Just be safe." He whispers as he places his hat on my head. "For good luck." He replies after observing my look of confusion. I give a side smile before kissing his cheek and making me way back down the louder watching as Carl's frame disappears with each step I take down.
Once my feet hit the dirt ground below me I take off towards Glenn who is waiting patiently by the gates for me. "Hey kiddo. Ready?" He asks as he hands me a gun he brought from the armory and an extra backpack for supplies. I nod my head placing my gun in my holster as we both walk out the gates waving goodbye to Eugene as he shuts them back.
We turn left and make our way through the wooded area quietly avoiding as many walkers as we could, the sun beams down through the trees showcases a few leaves in its light. After a few moments I finally break the silence.
"I can't believe you're going to be a dad." I say smiling down at my feet before kicking a few leaves in my park. "I mean I did expect it to happen sooner or later, but it's crazy to think it's happening now." I say as I place my hand over my eyes to shield it from the sunlight giving me a better view of him.
"I know. Plus, don't forget about you big sister." He chuckles as he fumbles around with his gun. "Our family is growing. I can't wait to meet the little fella." His whispers as happiness explodes on his face.
"Little fella? So, you think it's a boy?" I say as I draw my attention to a small store in the distance. I quicken my pace to match up with Glenn's as we edge closer.
"I just have that feeling. Even if the baby isn't a boy I'll still be grateful. But, it's definitely a boy." He laughs quietly, as he jogs in front of me. "Stay behind me just incase." Usually I would argue since I like to stand my own ground, but that's only with Carl cause I like to see him pissed. I laugh at the though but shake my head clear from my thoughts.
Glenn reaches the front of the tiny store and knocks on the door waiting for something to move inside. Once we wait for a few minutes he nods his head giving the clear, I push the door open and let him walk in first his gun drawn. I follow behind him in the same manner, I lower my gun once he does and began to rummage through some junk on the floor.
I hear a click and freeze my movements, my heartbeat quickening as my lungs feel like they are about to collapse. The cold barrel of a gun presses against the back of my head, I close my eyes shut tightly.
"Get up." I hear a gruff voice say. I slowly drop the stuff I had in my hands and raise to my feet. "Turn around." The man orders once more. I slowly turn around catching a glimpse of Glenn hiding behind the counter and shushing me with his finger. My eyes dart towards the man in front of me as the gun points straight at my forehead.
"Who the hell are you?" I ask, he was a bit on the heavier side and barely had any hair left, but by the looks of it, it all went to his back. He laughs, blowing his breathe in my face, a hint of cigars fill my senses making me gag slightly.
"I'm Negan."

The Devils Daughter
FanfictionSarah, a young girl stripped away from her parents at the beginning of the apocalypse, fights with everything in her each day. Her only family at this point is a group who found her at Terminus, and saved her. Ever since then they had been inseparab...