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I chuckle behind Carl, earning a side glare from him. I quickly straighten up and cross my arms staring this guy down. I hear a door open and watch as Rick and Michonne rush out, Rick hands fumbling with his pants as he zips them up.

"Carl hey um.." I look at Michonne then back at Rick before I turn around begin to laugh, I feel Carl's hand jerk me around and he gives me the death stare again I quickly cover my mouth still quietly laughing.

Rick turns his attention to Jesus and sighs "You wanted to talk let's talk." Jesus softly smiles and nods his head as him and Rick begins to walk off down the stairs together. I slide next to Michonne a bump into her.

"So you and Officer Grimes huh?" I tease, she rolls her eyes and looks over at Carl her face drops from a smile to a straight face. Carl chuckles a little before shrugging his shoulders.

"You have my blessing." He says as he walks beside of me and pulls me away. "And you need to stop teasing her." He says sternly, I roll my eyes and gently shove him away from me as I stand back up next to Michonne.

"So, Michonne. How long has this been going on." She smiles and wraps her arm around my neck. She looks at Carl then looks down at me.

"You ask too many questions, plus didn't your boyfriend tell you stop asking?" She teases and playfully winks at me. "By the way do you have any more toothpaste?" I grab her hand and gently toss her arm off of me.

"No Michonne I don't." I giggle before giving her a hug. "But hey congrats, also I'll go for a run later today and see if I can find you some." I say once I pull away, I feel an arm wrap around my waist and pull me back.

"Yeah. We will." Carl says smiling up at Michonne. She looks between the both of us before shrugging and making her way downstairs. I look back at Carl and roll my eyes before turning around in his arms to face him.

"You don't always have to come with me, I can go by myself ya know? Glenn taught me well." I say before wrapping my arms around his neck. He leans down and gives me a small kiss on my lips, he slowly pulls away and gently smiles at me.

"I know you can do it by yourself, but I just want to be around you. We literally just had sex I'm going to be more obsessive now." He smirks, I cover my ears and close my eyes.

"Ah. Don't say it out loud." I say sternly before removing myself from his arms. "We don't know if Michonne has left and I don't want her to know what just happened." I whisper.

"Oh it was pretty obvious." I jump and turn to face the stairs and see a smirking Michonne looking up at us. I widen my eyes and start mumbling trying to explain myself. "Now you can't tease me, because you've done it with a Grimes too." She laughs as she makes her way back down the stairs and outside.

I blush and cover my face as I slowly make my way down the stairs, Carls footsteps indicating he was close behind me. Not only that I could here his laugh right in my ear teasing me. "Shut up Carl." I mumble.

"Oh! Carl! Please!" He mimics me in a girly high pitched voice. "I wouldn't be surprised if the whole community knew for how loud you were screaming." He says as he opens the door for me letting me walk out in front of him.

"I'm never fucking you again." I say sassily. I hear him chuckle in response before his hand slaps my ass, I quickly push him away and playfully smack his hands.

"Baby, you know I'll fuck you whenever I want now shut up." He says as he grabs my hand and pulls me along with him, I notice Maggie off in the distance holding Judith. I'm guessing that's where we're heading considering Carl is basically dragging me in that direction.

"Hey Maggie." I smile once we appear in front of her. She smiles and hands Carl Judith before dragging me in for a hug. Carl places Judith on his hip as she begins to babble.

"Hey honey. I think Rick was looking for you two, might want to go see what he wants." She replies, I look over at Carl as he nods his head in the direction of his dad. "Bye guys." I smile as I wave goodbye before grabbing Carl's free hand and walking away with him.

I notice Rick's body come into view, he turns around and motions Carl and I over. "Hey guys, we're going to visit this place called the Hilltop. So go ahead and get your stuff together, we need to go soon." I nod my head and then around starting to walk away but Carl's voice catches me off guard.

"I think it's better I stay here. It wouldn't be a good first expression when they see a kid with a messed up face." Carl says chuckling a little, I walk up beside him and frown. Rick just looks him up and down before nodding a little and patting his shoulder. Damn. I sigh before turning my attention towards Rick.

"Hey I'm still going to go." I say, I feel Carl's arm sneak around my waist as he pulls me closer to him, he looks at me with worry and slowly shakes his head no. Rick looks back at me over his shoulder and nods.

"Well hurry and grab some things you think you're going to need okay? We will wait for you at the gates." He says before he makes his way into the RV.

I make my way back to the house with Carl, as soon as we open the door I quickly begin to grab some extra clothes just incase and of course some of my knives. Luckily I had snuck a gun in from the armory a while back so I don't have to make a trip just to go get another gun. I slide my hand under the cushion and grab it before sticking it in my holster.

"Do you have to go? Can't you stay here with me?" Carl begs as I finish getting my stuff, I smile and look up at him before giving him a kiss on the cheek and Judith one on her head.

"I'll be okay. It will be good for me to get out." I say as I make my way back outside, Carl not too far behind. The RV finally comes into my view and I make my way over towards it. Carl grabs my hand gently turning me to face him before I could get my foot on it.

"Be careful. I love you." He whispers before leaning down and placing his soft lips onto mine. I smile into the kiss and place my hand on his cheek before pulling away.

"I'll be fine. What's the worst that can happen?" I say before climbing into the RV leaving Carl behind.

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