Reaper meets Gandalf and Bilbo, Unexpected Party

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Meanwhile in Remnant

Reaper, Ruby, Yang, Blake and Weiss are walking down the hall after dealing with the Grimm from the train incident Ruby said "That was tiring wouldn't you all agree" Reaper nods as Wiess said "Absolutely" Making a turn Blake said "Agreeable" Stretching her arms Yang said "At least Roman is in jail" They reach their dorm room and enter Ruby said "You know I am hungry".

Turning around after placing her gauntlets down Yang ask "Want to head for the cafeteria" Blake and Weiss nod after placing their weapons away they along with Ruby and Yang walk to the door and Reaper looks to the window turning back Ruby ask "You coming Reaper" Looking back Reaper motion them to go.

Ruby close the door and Reaper looks out the window seeing the sunset staring at it then suddenly he felt a familiar pain he unconsciously went to each bed and grabs Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang's ammo putting them in his bag then raise his head Reaper's silver eyes begin to glow brightly while Ruby looks back to see the light shine under the door before disappear making her run to it and opens the door to see Reaper's gone "Where'd he go"?

Meanwhile in Middle Earth

59 years and 10 months earlier

Inside a forest a bright light appears and slowly fades to reveal Reaper who glance around as his eyes turn back to normal, he then hears a humming got his attention Reaper walks through some bushes until he was on a path looking down at it in the direction then he hears a Voice said "Hello" Reaper turns around to meet Gandalf.

They stare at one another "You look a bit lost" Reaper nods at Gandalf who move his staff "My name is Gandalf and what is your name" Feeling silly Reaper scratch the back of his helmet catching Gandalf's attention "Can you not speak" Reaper looks up at him and nod "Hmm you don't feel like talking much do you" Nodding again Reaper turns and walks to a boulder he grabs a rock and use it to write his name on it.

Gandalf watch Reaper lowers his arm and move to the side to reveal 'Reaper' on the boulder Gandalf looks to him "Your name is Reaper" Reaper nods then Gandalf notice his eyes are silver and he begins to smile "Reaper" Reaper looks at Gandalf who raise his head "How would you like to go on an adventure" All Reaper did was nod.

2 months later

Gandalf and Reaper are walking through the Shire up a path and Reaper saw a familiar house and saw a brown hair Hobbit sitting there and he looks familiar to him Reaper watch Gandalf turn the ring of smoke into a butterfly and it flied hitting the Hobbit's face making him open his eyes and looks at them.

Gandalf and Reaper stare at the Hobbit who said "Good morning" Reaper looks to Gandalf who ask "What do you mean" Bilbo put his pipe in his mouth "Do you wish us a good morning or do you mean that it is a good morning..." Gandalf turn his head "...whether we like it or not" The Hobbit just stares confuse "Or perhaps you mean to say that you feel good on this particular morning".

Reaper glance between them "Or are you simply stating that this morning to be good on" Gandalf turn his head a bit "Hm" Reaper looks to the Hobbit who said "All of them at once, I suppose" Reaper and Gandalf stare at him for a moment Gandalf said "Hmm" The Hobbit moves a bit awkwardly before looking back at them the Hobbit ask "Can I help you two"?

Staring at him Gandalf said "That remains to be seen" He moves a bit "We're looking for someone to share an adventure" Reaper nods looking to the Hobbit who lower his pipe he ask "An adventure" He move his head and leaning straight "No, I don't imagine anyone west of Bree would have much interest in adventures" The Hobbit stands up smiling.

He walks as Gandalf and Reaper watch him "Nasty, disturbing, uncomfortable things" He open his mailbox and grabs the letters out of it and close it looking to them "Make you late for dinner" He put his pipe in his mouth "Heh, heh" Looking at a letter "Hm" The Hobbit stares at it "Huh" He glances to Gandalf and Reaper who both stare at him.

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