Barrel Escape, High Fell, Bard

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They swim the barrels down the current as a few Elves run across a bridge the leader yelling in Elvish and the barrels keep going forward until they reach the exit noticing Thorin yells "Hold on" Slowly the barrels went down a small waterfall into the river Bilbo gasp shaking his head and Reaper looks around Fili calls "Bilbo" Kili yells "Reaper" The barrels knock against one another.

Bofur calls "Hang on" The barrel moves side to side Ori calls "Help" Dwalin looks behind to see Legolas and an Elf coming out of a hall Legolas said "Shut the gate" The Elf raise a horn and blows making the call while Thorin turns forward hearing the horn and at the gate Elves shout in Elvish noticing the Company heading towards them.

Guards got into position as one Elf runs up the steps and pulls a lever for the gate to close Thorin yells "No" He groans trying to move it "Aah" Oin notice, and the barrels hit one another, and the Elves pull out their swords and shields move in front Bilbo breathes but suddenly an arrow hits an Elf who grunts before falling then an Orc appears it growls.

The Elf falls into the river Bofur yells "Watch out" Kili looks to see this "There's Orcs" More Orcs come from behind the rampart attack the Elves and more begin to climb a few Orcs jump to kill the Company while more Orcs arrive one tackling an Elf and standing on top is Bolg who calls "Slay them all" More Orcs jump into the water Thorin calls "Get under the bridge".

Nori saw an Orc raising a sword at him, but Bilbo stabs it with his sword and Reaper pulls his guns and fire killing a few Orcs as Dwalin elbows an Orc and Fili punches another then Kili looks to the lever he climbs out of his barrel and moves on the edges to the stairs he gets up to avoid a swing from an Orc then Kili grab it and bang it's head against the wall.

Dwalin yells "Throw it" He throws a sword to Kili who caught it and stabs the Orc as Ori punch a Orc next to him and Kili cuts the Orc's leg and kicks him into the water, an Elf fights an Orc before Bolg use his axe to kill him then he notice Kili fighting another Orc up the stairs just as a 3rd Orc arrives with a spear but Fili threw a sword killing the 3rd Orc and Kili elbows the Orc before slicing his head off.

Bolg pulls out a bow as Kili ducks a swing from an Orc then he slashes it killing it before heading for the lever just as Bolg fires an arrow hitting Kili's leg making him stop he gasp noticing Fili yells "Kili" Kili groans holding onto the lever, but he fell on his back and Bolg growls and Thorin said "Kili" Another Orc appears only to get shot by an arrow.

Kili looks to where the arrow came to see Tauriel arrives he stares at her as Bolg growls turning to her and Tauriel fires another arrow killing another Orc then she pulls out her sword slashing the Orcs head and spins stabbing another Orc while Bolg said "Kill her" He wave his arm "Kill the She-Elf" The Orcs charge forward towards Tauriel.

But coming out of the bushes is Legolas and the Elves with arrows ready they fire killing a few Legolas fires killing another Orc on the rampart before turning and fires again killing an Orc then spins pulling out his dagger and slash another Orc turning again to block then slash the Orc while Kili turns watching Tauriel kills Orcs in front of her.

Slowly Kili use the steps next to him to help get up as Legolas kills another Orc and knocks another into a tree he spins his bow pulling an arrow and fires killing the Orc and Kili reaches the lever and pulls it down for the gate to open he groans letting go and the barrels begin to go down the waterfall one by one noticing Bolg runs to the rampart he yells "After them" One the sides up ahead is more Orcs.

Meanwhile Kili groans trying to move seeing this Fili yells "Kili" He watch Kili groan sliding off the edge and lands into his barrel breaking the arrow by the edge as Tauriel turns noticing but an Orc roar running at her, but Tauriel turns sending the Orc into the water and Reaper fires killing it before going over the waterfall with the rest then went down a couple more Bolg yells in Black Speech.

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