Bert, William and Tom

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Meanwhile the Company follows Thorin up a hill to see in front of them is a ruined house turning his pony Thorin said "We'll camp here for the night" The company begins to get off their ponies as Gandalf walks through the ruin house "Fili, Kili, look after the ponies" He looks around "Make sure you stay with them" Examining Gandalf said "A farmer and his family used to live here" Walking by Thorin said "Oin, Gloin" Turning Oin said "Aye".

Looking at him Thorin said "Get a fire ready" He walks to the house Oin said "Right ya are" Staring at the ruins Gandalf said "I think it would be wiser to move on" He turns and walks to Thorin "We could make for the Hidden Valley" Walking to him Thorin said "I have told you already: I will not go near that place" He walk pass Gandalf who ask "Why not"?

He turns to Thorin "The Elves could help us" Gandalf follows "We could get food, rest, advice" But Thorin said "I do not need their advice" He turns to Gandalf who said "We have a map that we cannot read" He shake his head before motioning a direction "Lord Elrond could help us" Thorin ask "Help" He stares at him "A dragon attacks Erebor".

Gandalf lower his hand "What help came from the Elves" He stares at Thorin "Orcs plunder Moria, desecrate our sacred halls" Thorin looks done before looking at Gandalf "The Elves looked on and did nothing" He walks up to him "And you ask me to see out the very people who betrayed my grandfather" Thorin stops taking a breath "Who betrayed my father".

But Gandalf said "You are neither of them" Thorin stares at him "I did not give you that map and key for you to hold on to the past" Raising his head Thorin said "I did not know that they were yours to keep" Gandalf sighs before turning around and leaves Thorin who turns while Gandalf went pass Reaper who looks at him before looking to Thorin and back.

Noticing Bilbo ask "Everything all right" Balin frowns noticing Gandalf walking pass "Gandalf, where are you going" Gandalf said "To seek the company of the only one around here who's got any sense" He walk pass the Dwarves who turn watching Bilbo ask "And who's that" Gandalf said "Myself, Mr. Baggins" Reaper turn his head watching Gandalf walking to his horse "I've had enough of Dwarves for one day".

Staring from the house Thorin said "Come on, Bombur, we're hungry" Reaper walks forward shaking his head as Bilbo ask "Is he coming back" Looking to Balin who tilt his head and looks to Gandalf who rides away with Bilbo.

Nighttime arrived Bofur pours some soup in a bowl as Bilbo is keeping an eye out "He's been a long time" Bilbo turns walking to Reaper who is holding a bowl Bofur ask "Who" He pours some soup in another bowl Bilbo said "Gandalf" Bombur arrives while Bofur said "He's a wizard" He puts the ladle in the soup "He does as he chooses".

Bofur turns "Here, do us a favour" He holds one bowl to Bilbo "Help Reaper take this to the lads" Reaper nods passing Bofur who turns to see Bombur about to get seconds "Stop it" He slaps Bombur's hand "You've had plenty" Bilbo and Reaper leave the house Gloin calls "Aye, it's not a bad stew, Bombur" They walk pass a pony "I've had worse".

Nori said "Dori coulda cooked it" Laughter is heard Dori said "Hilarious" Bilbo and Reaper walk pass more ponies looking for Fili and Kili they reach a wheel Bilbo said "There they are" Reaper looks to see them Bilbo and Reaper walk up to Fili and Kili who both stare forward they hold the bowls to them, but the twins didn't respond.

Reaper and Bilbo look at them "What's the matter" Staring Kili said "We're supposed to be looking after the ponies" Reaper and Bilbo look to him as Fili said "Only we've encountered a slight problem" He looks to them and they look at the ponies Kili said "We had 16" Fili said "Now there's 14" Reaper gives the bowl to Bilbo who takes and walks forward.

Fili and Kili join him along with Bilbo looking around Kili said "Daisy and Bungo are missing" They look around Bilbo said "Well, that's not good" He chuckles nervously, and a whistle got their attention to see Reaper kneeling by a fallen tree they went over "And that is not good at all" He motion the tree "Should we tell Thorin"?

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