The Adventure Begins, Battle of Moria, Radagast

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The next morning the birds are chirping, and Bilbo slowly wakes up he groans moving a bit slowly closing his eyes, but he opens them realising something he got up and leaves his room he stops at the hallway looking around before walking forward and looks in the kitchen and doesn't see anyone Bilbo ask "Hello"?

He didn't get a respond Bilbo looks around the room before entering the kitchen and looks in the fireplace pointing and moves to another hall "Reaper" He looks in the room to see all the Dwarves are gone along with Gandalf and Reaper putting his hands on his hips Bilbo stares at the door nodding Bilbo walks forward patting his hips.

Bilbo stops by the table looking at it clasps his hands behind his back turning his head Bilbo looks down at a small table to see the contract open Bilbo stares at it for a moment before looking at the door.

Now Bilbo is running out of Bag End all dressed wearing a backpack holding the contract in his hand Bilbo runs out of the gate heads down a path he jumps over a fence and runs down a hill passing chickens making the clucking and move while Bilbo runs pass plants and animals then he jumps over Old Gammidge pumpkin surprising him.

A female Hobbit watch Bilbo runs pass shaking her head Bilbo climbs over another fence making a cow low moving back Bilbo runs around a Hobbit hole passing a Hobbit then Worrywort ask "Here, Mr. Bilbo, where are you off to" Running pass Bilbo said "Can't stop, I'm already late" Confuse Worrywort ask "Late for what" Turning Bilbo said "I'm going on an adventure" He smiles heading into the woods leaving the Shire.

Meanwhile the company is riding through the hoods the Dwarves on ponies as Reaper and Gandalf are riding a horse each a Dori ask "Didn't I say it" They went over a small hill "Waste of time" Dwalin said "That's true enough" They went between two trees Dori said "'Use a Hobbit'" Kili said "At least we got a good burglar" Dori ask "Whose idea was it anyway to get a Hobbit"?

Suddenly Bilbo calls "Wait" He runs to them "Wait" Dwalin said "Whoa" They stop their horses and ponies Gandalf looks back as Reaper looks to see Bilbo coming the ponies and horses neigh Fili said "Whoa, whoa" Thorin looks to see Bilbo he turns his pony raising the contract Bilbo said "I signed it" He nods walking to Balin and gives it.

Balin looks to Bilbo then pulls out his glasses to look at the contract carefully Bilbo nods and a Pony snorts Gandalf smiles and Reaper nods as Balin said "Everything appears to be in order" Balin put his glasses away "Welcome, Master Baggins..." He also put the contract away and motions " the Company of Thorin Oakenshield".

There is a light laughter in the Company as Balin winks at Bilbo who smiles looking to the pony Thorin said "Give him a pony" That caught Bilbo's attention he said "No, no" He raise a hand "No, that won't be necessary" The Company begins to move "Thank you" Bilbo walks a bit forward "I'm sure I can keep up on foot".

Bilbo stops a bit "I-I've done my fair share of walking holidays, you know" He looks forward "Even got as far as Frogmorton once" Suddenly Fili and Kili grab Bilbo shoulders and lifted him "Aah" Now Bilbo is riding a pony holding the reins the pony whines Bilbo looks around while the company rides on a path Gandalf and Reaper are riding on either side of Bilbo.

Oin calls "Come on, Nori" Catching Nori's attention "Pay up" Nori threw a sack to Oin who caught it he laughs looking at it "Thanks, lad" Bilbo watch another sack went pass before looking to Gandalf he ask "What's that about" Looking to him Gandalf said "Oh, they took wagers on whether or not you'd turn up".

More sacks are thrown to one another "Most of them bet that you wouldn't" Bilbo looks to Reaper first then to Gandalf he ask "And what did you two think" Reaper looks to Gandalf who said "Well..." Gandalf caught a sack and Reaper caught another one Gandalf chuckles "My dear, fellow..." He put the sack in his bag "...I never doubted you for a second" Reaper tied his sack on his belt.

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