Escape Goblin Town

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Meanwhile Goblins are lifting a huge spike cage Great Goblin said "Bones will be shattered" More Goblins lifting the bones dragger and Great Goblin spread his arm "Necks will be wrung" The Goblins turn "You'll be beaten and battered" Great Goblin turns swinging his arms back and forth "From racks you'll be hung" Grinnah holds Thorin's sword "You will die down here and never be found".

The Company struggles to get out of the Goblins grasp as the Great Goblin raise his arms "Down in the deep of Goblin Town" When Grinnah pulls the sword to see the blade he said "Aah" Recognising it and threw the sword making it land in front of the Great Goblin who moves back to his throne scared he said "I know that sword".

He points at Orcist "It is the Goblin Cleaver" Grinnah and Goblins move away from it "The Biter" They begin to whip the Company "The blade that sliced a thousand necks" The Great Goblin wave his arm "Slash them" A whip knocks Reaper to the floor next to Kili "Beat them" A Gobiln grabs Thorin who threw it over the edge before more tackles him "Kill them".

The Goblins restrain Thorin "Kill them all" The Great Goblin points "Cut off his head" Grinnah raise a blade at Thorin who stares, and Reaper tries to get up but suddenly a bright light appears knocking the Goblins away some into the cage knocking it off the path while the Great Goblin fell on his back and the torches dim.

Meanwhile a Figure stood and walks forward with a staff and a sword the Company groans not moving the light returns to reveal Gandalf as the Company and Goblins slowly get up to see him staring at them Gandalf said "Take up arms" Reaper grabs his guns "Fight" Nori turn his head "Fight" Getting up Reaper fires his guns killing the Goblins around Thorin who gets up.

The Company all yelling getting up a few Goblins runs at Gandalf who swing his sword killing two Goblins before stabbing a 3rd Goblin as the Great Goblin calls "He wields the Foehammer" He points at Gandalf "The Beater" Reaper put his guns away and giving the Company their weapons "Bright as daylight" Bofur threw a sword over his head for Fili to grab.

Bombur helps throwing a sword over him as Dwalin hits a Goblin and Bombur use his stomach to knock a Goblin over the edge, Kili grabs a sword slash a Goblin twice before stabbing it while the Great Goblin slowly gets up, he growls, and Bifur fell on his back then Ori calls "Thorin" Thorin turns and swing his sword hitting the Great Goblin's staff.

The Great Goblin stumbles to his throne knocking before falling over the edge with a few Goblins as the Company fights the Goblin's passing their weapons to each Dwarf and Reaper kicks a Goblin over the edge and Gandalf kills a Goblin turning around and slash another Goblin didn't move it glances around before looking at its body and Gandalf said "Ah".

He uses his staff to move its head off before moving forward as Dwalin swing his axe killing a Goblin who spins "Follow me" Reaper helps Bifur up and the Company moves "Quick" They run after Gandalf down a path "Run" They enter a cave.

Meanwhile Bilbo is running through a crevice looking back before moving forward turning he pants and stops to see a dead-end Bilbo looks back hearing Gollum grumbling from a distance Bilbo moves back before stopping and turns again Gollum yells "Give it to us" Bilbo moves and Gollum groaning he stops watching Gollum crawls pass.

Bilbo turns back to see another crevice he strains tries to get through, but can't he hears Gollum growling and looks back to see Gollum crawling back he snarls seeing Bilbo who breathe before trying to get through "Raah" Gollum crawls over and stops "It's ours" He crawls closer angrily "It's ours" Bilbo tires again and the buttons rip off making him get through.

Gollum groans and the buttons hit him as Bilbo slips and grunts falling on his back his hand opens for the Ring to fly up spinning slowly Bilbo notice and reaches up to get it but the Ring falls onto his middle finger and Bilbo vanished while Gollum shrieks crawling through the crevice to see Bilbo's gone turning around.

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