Hillside Battle, The Lonely Mountain

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Meanwhile Azog arrives on top of the hill his White Warg growling with the Orc pack behind him Azog said "Run them down" He looks at the pack "Tear them to pieces" Azog wave his mace forward making the Wargs charge forward and howling catching the Company's attention Thorin said "Out of the frying pan" Gandalf said "And into the fire" He turns "Run" Gandalf turns back "Run".

The Company runs down the hill carefully and the Wargs runs entering the trees they growl as the nighttime arrives the Company jumps off the rocks avoiding getting trip Reaper flips down another rock and Bilbo glance back running while the Wargs snarling and Bilbo ducks as a Warg jumps over the rock behind him and skids to a stop growling.

Bilbo stops staring at it then the Warg pounces but Bilbo pull his sword out and the Warg goes into the blade killing itself pushing Bilbo who is shocked into a tree and lets down for the Warg to collapse while a Warg runs at Balin only to get tripped, but Thorin who stabs it with Dwalin who uses his axe Bilbo watch then Ori yells "Aah" He watch Ori use his hammer killing the Warg behind him.

The Company slowly reach an edge of the hill Gandalf calls "Up into the trees" Bilbo looks up "All of you" He moves from his spot "Come on, climb" Gandalf motions for Bilbo "Bilbo, climb" Bifur throws a rock hitting a Warg causing it to trip as Bofur use Dwalin's head to grab an branch while Bilbo grab his sword to pull it out but it didn't move Bilbo holds it and slowly pulls it.

Meanwhile Gandalf climbs a tree as Bilbo puts a hand on the corpse trying to pull his sword looking back Thorin said "They're coming" Balin is helped going up and Balin grabs a branch, Kili and Fili help each other going up a tree, Bombur grabs a branch that creaking while the Wargs growling running down with the Orc pack behind them.

Bilbo said "Unh" He got his sword out turning around sighs before noticing no one is here he looks forward to seeing the Wargs and Orc pack is coming suddenly a hand grabs Bilbo and pulls him up just as the Wargs arrive not noticing Reaper helping Bilbo up a tree climbing high while the Wargs growl passing the trees not noticing the Company.

Suddenly Gandalf use his staff for it to lift a Moth from a branch Gandalf pulls his staff back as the Dwarves are groaning and Gandalf stands looking at the Moth, he whispers to it and blows making the Moth fly away in a direction while the Wargs snarl turning around for the White Warg to arrive with Azog looking at the Company.

Noticing and push the branch Thorin said "Azog" The White Warg growls and Azog smells the air he ask "Do you smell it" Azog move his head "The scent of fear" He smells again as Thorin still stares at Azog who leans back "I remember your father reeked of it..." Reaper stares at Azog "...Thorin son of Thrain" Shaking his head a bit Thorin said "It cannot be".

Gandalf moves a bit and Azog leans up and Balin looks to Thorin who stares and Azog raise his mace at Thorin he said "That one is mine..." He waves his mace "Kill the others" The Wargs charge forward they snarl attacking the trees and the Company shouting Bilbo aim his sword while Reaper kicks a Warg too close to him.

The Wargs hitting and trying to climb the trees causing them to move as Azog watches and Fimbul move his head a Warg jumps on a branch to use it to climb and the tree shakes ripping branches off Fili holds on as two Wargs rip the branches off "Drink their blood" A Warg growls holding a branch near Bilbo who watches it rips a branch.

Suddenly the tree he's on begins to tilt due to the Wargs hitting it and the tree hits another making the Company get on that tree before the Company moves as the trees fall like dominos before landing on the last tree that that stayed tall, and the other tree fell over the edge while Azog laughs evilly at this the Wargs attempt to climb the last tree.

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