Desolation of Smaug

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Thunder is heard and rain falls down on the city called 'Bree – on the boarders of the Shire' A short figure is walking through the rain wearing a cloak a Man walks out of a building takes a bite of a carrot and walks away while the Figure walks forward as an object rattles but suddenly out of the shadows is two men following the Figure who makes a turn and stops.

A sign is creaking it said 'The Prancing Pony' The Figure turns revealing to be Thorin Okenshield hearing another object clanging in the distance before turning and enters the inn taking his bag off passing another man who put his hood on leaving a Man calls "I'm dying of thirst over here" Thorin walks forward "Come on" He looks around "Come on".

The bartender name Butterbur said "Here you are" He place a mug in front of the Man who said "Thank you kindly" Men and women are laughing to one another a black cat turn its head as a 2nd Man bumps into a Waitress name Betsy who said "Oh, watch it" Turning the 2nd Man said "Sorry, darling" Betsy walks over to Thorin who is smoking his pipe Betsy said "There you are".

She holds the mug Thorin said "Ah" He takes it "Thank you" Betsy places the plate on the table and leaves as Thorin puts the mug down and pulls the plate closer rips the bread taking a bite of it and more laughter is heard from the distance he watches a Hobbit walks around a table a 3rd Man said "Master Stadle" He lifts Stadle onto a stool to reach the counter.

Meanwhile Thorin continues to eat but suddenly he looks to his right to see a bald man name Bill Ferny Snr staring at him holding a pipe as Thorin slowly looks to his left to see a tall shady man name Squint staring at him slowly Thorin put the bread in his hands on the plate looking forward noticing Bill standing up and Thorin looks to Squint who stands up.

Both Bill and Squint move slowly to Thorin who reaches for his sword but suddenly a person sits down at his table making Thorin look to see Gandalf the Grey who ask "Mind if I join you" Betsy walks pass but Gandalf tap her arm "I'll have the same" Betsy heads for the counter while Gandalf looks to Thorin.

Meanwhile Squint and Bill heads back to their tables as Thorin sighs leaning forward "I should introduce myself" Gandalf move his head "My name is Gandalf" Thorin looks to him "Gandalf the Grey" Nodding Thorin said "I know who you are" Chuckling Gandalf said "Well, now" He smiles clasping his hands together "This is a fine chance".

Gandalf narrow his eyes a bit leaning forward "What brings Thorin Oakenshield to Bree" Sighing lowering his head a bit Thorin said "I received word that my father had been seen wandering the wilds near Dunland" He glance to Gandalf who stares "I went looking" Thorin nods "I found no sign of him" Gandalf said "Ah" He leans down a bit "Thrain".

Thorin leans back staring at Gandalf he said "You're like the others" Gandalf stares at him "You think he's dead" Staring at him Gandalf said "I was not at the Battle of Moria" Nodding Thorin said "No" He move his gaze "But I was".


Thorin stares moving a bit "My grandfather Thror was slain" Azog roars raising Thror's head by the crown as Thrain turns noticing "NOOOO" Azog threw the head making it roll down the rocks and Thorin charges, but Thrain stops him "Father" Thrain said "Stay back" But Thorin said "No" He stares at Thrain "I will fight with you".

But Thrain said "Azog means to kill us all" Thorin looks towards where Azog is "One by one, he will destroy the Line of Durin" He looks back to Thrian who shake his head "But, by my life, he shall not take my son" Thrain nods at Thorin "You will stay here" Thrain turns moves between two Dwarves and he battle cries raising his hammer.

Meanwhile Azog threw a Dwarf into the air and swing his mace "My father led a charge towards the Dimril Gate" Thrain charges forward and went out of sight "He never returned" Thorin stares at this "Father" A flashes of the battle is seen Dwalin headbutting a Orc, Azog hits three Dwarves with his mace, Azog roars hitting the oak branch, Thorin cuts Azog wrist off making Azog roar in pain holding the area, Thorin turns.

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