What have we done

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Meanwhile Thorin grabs a wall stopping himself before running down the hallway and he yells stopping to raise his arm from the heat before running forward coming out of the hallway entering the treasure hall Thorin stops at the edge he gasps staring at it while Bilbo and Reaper reach the stairs going up catching Thorin's attention making him turn to see them.

Walking to them Thorin said "You're both alive" Bilbo calls "Not for much longer" They reach the hallway Thorin ask "Did either of you find the Arkenstone" Stopping Bilbo said "The dragon's coming" Staring at them Thorin said "The Arkenstone" Reaper looks around to see if Smaug's nearby before looking back and Bilbo breathes heavily.

Thorin stares at them "Did either of you find it" Bilbo and Reaper stare back at him for a moment Bilbo said "No" Reaper shakes his head "We have to get out" They move to the hallway but suddenly Thorin move his sword blocking them from entering Bilbo and Reaper look to Thorin who move his sword to them "Thorin".

Reaper notice Thorin had a look on his face and pulls Bilbo back "Thorin" Thorin push the sword making Reaper and Bilbo move back "Thorin" Thorin walks towards them Bilbo glance to the side and Reaper's eyes widen looking back to Thorin who notice tilt his head a bit until a noise caught his attention.

Slowly Thorin turns towards the direction to see in the distance on the treasure is Smaug who growls staring at them Reaper push Bilbo towards the steps pulling out his guns and stood next to Thorin but suddenly Nori, Dwalin, Ori, Dori, Balin, Bifur, Gloin and Bombur arrive they grunt seeing Smaug who roars crawling towards them his belly glowing he yells "You will burn".

Thorin and Dwalin yell "Run" Smaug open his mouth just as the Company all jump over the stairs avoiding the fire sliding down the treasure into a hallway Dori calls "Come on, Bilbo" Reaper gets up Ori yells "Hurry, Reaper" Smaug raise his head sending fire above him onto the ceiling while Thorin yells moving into the hallway avoiding the fire the Company enters a room Thorin rolls in with fire on his cloak taking it off getting Thorin said "Come on" He leads the Company through the room.

Meanwhile Tauriel walks over and puts the Kingsfoil in a bowl of water rubbing it Bofur ask "Ready" He Fili and Oin lift Kili who groans they move him onto the table Fili gets on the table above him as Bofur tries to stop Kili from moving Tauriel said "Hold him down" Fili and Bofur hold Kili's arms and Oin holds his legs.

Tauriel walks over with the bowl in her hand placing it on the table before moving the clothing to see Kili's wound, she looks to Kili who lean his head on the table as Tauriel speaks Elvish moving the Kingsfoil in her hands before pressing it on the wound making Kili scream in pain Sigrid comes over and helps, she said "Tilda" Tilda joins in helping.

Holding the wound Tauriel keeps speaking Elvish as Kili move his head and Fili watch glancing to her Oin hold his trumpet listening glancing to her Kili breathes slowly opening his eyes looking towards Tauriel who raise her head while Kili tilt his head staring at Tauriel who notice him staring and she begins to glow Kili furrow his brows staring at Tauriel who keeps speaking Elvish making Kili stare in awe.

Meanwhile there is silence in areas of Erebor the Company follow Thorin who said "Shh, shh, shh, shh" He raise his hand making them stop watching Thorin went to large open area with a bridge Thorin leans out to look for Smaug walking to him Dori said "We've given him the slip" Dwalin said "No" He shakes his head "He's too cunning for that".

Reaper moves towards the front quietly glancing around Bilbo ask "So where to now" Staring Thorin said "The Western guardroom" He looks to them "There may be a way out" But Balin said "It's too high" He shake his head "There's no chance that way" Looking back Thorin said "It's our only chance" He looks back to the bridge "We have to try".

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