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Meanwhile Azog hears galloping he sneers watching Thorin, Reaper and Dwalin kill Orcs in front of them making a turn as Kili and Fili ride along the mountainside Thorin jumps stabbing an Orc killing it as Dwalin battle cries killing another Orc while Reaper jumps firing both guns at three Orcs in front of him then ducks avoiding a swing aim his gun up and fires killing another Orc.

Thorin ducks from a swing then stabs the Orc pulling the sword out then he clashes against another Orc making it lose its weapon falling on a pedestal for Thorin to cut its head off as Fili rides down jumping off his goat into a spin cutting an Orc's leg then clashes against another while Kili cuts two Orcs and Dwalin trips an Orc he yells "Die" Dwalin cut its head off.

Meanwhile Legolas and Tauriel arrives in Dale killing Orcs in their path riding through a crowd of Orcs and Gandalf looks to see them Legolas said "Gandalf" Staring Gandalf said "Legolas" He goes over as Bilbo watch Legolas climb off his horse "Legolas Greenleaf" Tauriel gets off the horse and walking forward Legolas said "There is a second army".

Gandalf reach him "Bolg leads a force of Gundabad Orcs" He stares at Legolas "They are almost upon us" Gandalf said "Gundabad" Then he slowly realises "This was their plan all along" Tauriel looks around while Bilbo runs over "Azog engages our forces, then Bolg sweeps in from the North" Moving his head Bilbo ask "Wha—th-the North"?

Bilbo turns around "Where is the North exactly" Looking at him Gandalf said "Ravenhill" He turns and walks by Bilbo who ask "Ravenhill" He turns following him "Thorin is up there" Tauriel slowly listens "And Fili, Kili and Reaper" She looks to them "They're all up there" Gandalf looks at Ravenhill along with Tauriel who stares.

Meanwhile Kili kills the last two Orcs and Thorin walks over to the edge breathing looking towards the signal towers only to see it empty Kili ask "Where is he" Thorin move his gaze looking at the signal flags "It looks empty" He tilt his head a bit Fili said "I think Azog has fled" Narrowing his eyes a bit Thorin said "I don't think so".

Thorin turns around "Fili, take your brother and Reaper" He walks to them looking at the signal flags "Scout out the towers" Thorin looks back "Keep low and out of sight" He glance to Reaper "Look after them" Reloading his guns Reaper nods "If you see something, report back" Fili and Kili stare at Thorin "Do not engage" He stare at them "Do you understand"?

Fili, Kili and Reaper all nod and walking over Dwalin said "We have company" Looking behind to see Goblins jumping over the wall "Goblin mercenaries" Thorin walks in front of them "No more than a hundred" Staring Thorin said "We'll take care of them" He hold his sword "Go" Reaper, Fili and Kili all run between Dwalin and Thorin "Go" They got their axe and sword ready Dwalin yells "Come on".

The Goblins snarl charging Thorin and Dwalin clash against them "Die" Fili, Kili and Reaper quietly move on the ice looking at the towers looking to one another and run across the ice towards the towers while Thranduil walks in a street he stops at an area looking down to see so many of his kin dead and running forward Feron looks to Thranduil who said "Recall your company".

Feron raise his horn and it blares throughout the Dale as Gandalf moves through the streets hearing the horn and sees Thranduil he said "My Lord" Gandalf walks to Thranduil with Elves gathering around him "Dispatch this force to Ravenhill" Thranduil stares at him "The Dwarves and Reaper are about to be overrun" Gandalf stares "Thorin must be warned".

But Thranduil said "By all means, warn him" He walks pass Gandalf "I have spent enough Elvish blood in defence of this accursed land" He leads the Elves forward "No more" Turning around Gandalf ask "Thranduil" Watching this Bilbo said "I'll go" Looking to him Gandalf said "Don't be ridiculous" He walks over "You'll never make it" Bilbo ask "Why not"?

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