Thorin and Reaper vs Azog the Defiler

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Reaper arrives and help Thorin up standing by him Thorin breathes looking at his sword then looks forward and Reaper looks forward to see in the distance on the ice with fog around him is Azog waiting Thorin said "Together" Reaper nods and they walk forward while a horn blare making Azog smirk growling lightly turning a bit.

Meanwhile appearing over the hill is the Gundabad army lowering their spears forward as Thorin and Reaper keep walking and Azog roars running forward holding a chain connected to a boulder he swings making Thorin duck and Reaper jumps avoiding it before they do it again moving backwards from Azog who follows them.

But Thorin and Reaper split on either side of Azog causing him to stop Reaper slash his leg and Thorin slash Azog's back making him roar in pain Thorin and Reaper move back just as Azog swing the boulder above him hitting the ice causing it to crack while Bolg threw a boulder at Legolas who spins to the left making the boulder hit his spot causing rubble to fall below.

Noticing Legolas quickly runs up the rubbles until he jumps surprising Bolg and wrap his legs around his head and threw him forward landing on more rubble to collapse but Legolas grabs an edge and swings himself to the top part looking to Bolg who climbs back up he roars at Legolas who attempts to stab him, but Bolg stops grabbing the sword.

Lifting his head Bolg snarls at Legolas who move his head smiling then use this to jump landing on Bolg's shoulders spinning his sword holding it above him, but Bolg swings himself to get Legolas off him but suddenly arrows pierce Bolg's body making him roar in pain he and Legolas look to see Kili and Fili both holding bows standing on top of the stairs.

They fire arrows again hitting Bolg's arms and Legolas use this to stab him through the head making Bolg roll his eye up and Legolas twist the sword then jumps backflipping over to the stairway he Kili and Fili watch the tower collapse along with Bolg's corpse with it landing on the ice while Thorin and Reaper avoids the boulder again.

Azog yells lifting the chain causing Reaper and Thorin to move and the boulder hits the ice making more creaks as Legolas calls "Tauriel" Kili said "Over here" Legolas looks sees Tauriel in Kili's arms with Fili kneeling next to them while more cracks spread through the ice Thorin, Reaper and Azog circle slowly then Azog swing the chain raising the boulder making Thorin and Reaper split.

The boulder hits the ice making the area tilt and they duck avoiding the boulder trying to keep balance but Azog swings again making Thorin and Reaper land on the ice they move avoiding the boulder Thorin slips, and Reaper tries to swing his scythe, but he slips landing on his back due to the water going on the ice.

Azog use this to swing the boulder tripping Thorin onto his back Azog roars raising the chain causing the boulder to go up but Reaper teleports to Thorin grabbing him and teleports to the other side just as the boulder lands where Thorin was Azog swings again making them separate rolling to either side breaking the ice more.

Thorin gets up and runs cutting Azog's side and Reaper turn his scythe into his guns and slides firing shots and Azog's legs passing him they got up looking to Azog who growls before lifting the chain making the boulder go up towards Thorin and Reaper who both move back and the boulder lands where they stood.

Slowly Thorin and Reaper look to Azog who tries to pull the chain, but the boulder is stuck he swing his blade arm, but Thorin ducks and Reaper deflects it with his scythe keeping the ice steady Azog growls at then before noticing something behind them while Thorin and Reaper stare at him 9 Great Eagles fly towards them.

The Great Eagles fly over making Azog watch them head for the Gundabad army the Eagles screeching and riding the 1st Eagle is Radagast who stares as the Eagles use their talons to fly through army before flying up screeching while riding on a 2nd Eagle is Beorn who growls before letting go falling and changing into his bear form landing in the middle of the army.

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