Sons of Durin

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Meanwhile Dain trips a Orc and hits it with his hammer he calls "Fall back" He helps a Dwarf up "Fall back" Dwarves begin to move "To the Mountain" An Orc trips for a Dwarf to kill it before moving back with the other Dwarves "Fall back" Dain joins them while watching this Azog said "Now comes their end" He points walking "Prepare for the final assault" Orcs move and the horn blares for the Orcs on the field to move in formation.

Meanwhile Ori sits down turning his head breathing Nori walks pass Dori who lower his head as Bifur holds his hands together, Fili is sitting down on a rock with Oin standing next to him, Balin sits down with a mace, Bombur stood by, Dwalin stood near, Kili sits down near some armour, Gloin frowning holding his axe and Reaper stood facing the wall.

The Company took most of their armours off, but Kili looks up to see Thorin walking towards them Kili stood up making Oin, Bifur, Fili, Dori, Nori, Balin, Ori, Gloin and Bombur look to see Thorin, but Reaper keeps staring at the wall while Thorin walks forward without the armour and the cloak with a sword in his hand Kili said "I will not hide behind a wall of stone..."

Kili begins to walk forward "...while others fight our battles for us" Thorin keeps walking forward and Kiil walks to him shaking his head "It is not in my blood, Thorin" They meet each other Thorin said "No" Kili stares at him "It is not" Thorin place a hand on his shoulder "We are Sons of Durin" Kiil nods "And Durin's Folk do not flee from a fight".

Thorin smiles at Kili who begins to smile nodding then Thorin place his forehead against Kili's then he lets go walking to the Company "I have no right to ask this of any of you" They stare at him as Dwalin and Kili walk to him "But will you follow me..." Thorin stares at them " last time" Slowly the Company begins to stand and raise their weapons.

But Thorin looks to Reaper who is still facing the wall "Reaper" He raise his head and Thorin walks forward "I know what a said before" Reaper keeps still "But please will you follow me one last time" The Company looks to Reaper who didn't move but suddenly he pulls out his guns combining them into his scythe resting it on his shoulder then turns to Thorin with his eyes glowing silver and nods making Thorin smile.

Meanwhile the Orcs begin to form in ranks and a Dwarf shout making the Dwarves move into formation aiming their spears forward they chant as Azog said "Not yet" He raise his arm walking "Wait..." He stares at the formation "...wait..." A Troll with a catapult roar stood in a spot while six armoured Trolls move to the front "Attack..."

Azog wave his arm "" The horn blares and Azog moves as the Trolls and Orcs move to attack but suddenly on the side with a huge horn is Bombur who blows the horn loudly making the Trolls and Orcs stop in confusion the horn is heard throughout the field to Dale while leaning up hearing it Bilbo said "Thorin" Gandalf looks to the direction.

Suddenly bursting through the barricade is two massive silver wings spreading out in front of Erebor before disappearing for battle cries are heard running out is Thorin on his right is Kili, Nori, Ori, Gloin and Oin running and on Thorin's left is Fili, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, and Bofur while running behind Thorin is Reaper holding his scythe, black petals leaving his cloak and his silver eyes glowing.

The Trolls and Orcs shock to see them and Azog growls seeing this as Dwarves move out of the way for the Company to pass Dain yells "To the King" He raise his hammer "To the King" The Dwarves all battle cry following Thorin who yells "Du Bakár" He raise his sword while Reaper summons wings making them hit the Trolls killing them.

The Company and Ironfoot clash against the Orcs killing any in their path Thorin slash an Orc, Kili kills an Orc, Nori swings his axe killing an Orc, Reaper teleports killing Orcs with his scythe swinging it, Dori battle cries killing an Orc, Thorin spins killing an Orc while the Dwarves begin to fight in arrow formation at the Orcs.

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