Lake Town

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Meanwhile night begins to arrive as the Orcs arrived at the shore Bolg raise his arm for the Orcs to stop but one stops kneels to stick a finger in a puddle and licks it turning the Orc said "Dwarf blood" Bolg turns lowering his arm "They were here" Smelling he said "There is another scent..." Bolg sniffs around before turning back "...Man flesh" He walks forward to where the barge was "They have found a way to cross the lake".

On the lake the Company are on Bard's barge going across the lake Bard moves the rudder through the fog to reveal ruins Bofur said "Watch out" Bard push the rudder then pulls it going pass two pillars Bofur, Bombur, Bilbo and Reaper stare at the ruins turning Thorin ask "What are you trying to do, drown us" Moving the rudder Bard said "I was born and bred on these waters, Master Dwarf".

He stares at Thorin pushing the rudder "If I wanted to drown you, I would not do it here" Bard pulls the rudder shaking his head Dwalin said "Oh, I've had enough of this lippy lakeman" He turn his head "I say we throw him over the side and be done with it" Reaper shake his head and looking forward Bilbo said "Oh, Bard, his name's Bard" He looks to Dwalin and back.

Staring Bofur ask "How do you know" Keeping warm Bilbo said "Ah, I asked him" Dwalin said "I don't care what he calls himself" Thorin walks pass him "I don't like him" He stops crossing his arms Balin said "We do not have to like him" He counts the coins "We simply have to pay him" Balin looks to the others "Come one now, lads" They stare back "Turn out your pockets".

The Dwarves grumbling emptying their pockets of money giving to Balin who takes them Dwalin ask "How do we know he won't betray us" Turning Thorin said "We don't" He stares at Bard who keeps moving the rudder Balin said "There's, um, just a wee problem" He counts the money and Thorin walks over "We're 40 coins short".

But Reaper pulls out his pouch and pulls out some coins handing them to Balin who takes and counts "Make that 10 coins short" Bilbo looks to Thorin who cross his arms he said "Gloin" Gloin looks to him "Come on" Oin looks to Gloin "Give us what you have" But Gloin said "Don't look to me" Balin move his head "I have been bled dry by this venture".

Reaper shakes his head turning his head he stops standing up right staring in a direction turning around Thorin notice and looks in the same direction "And what have I seen for my investment" Slowly all the Company except Gloin stood up staring "Naught but misery and grief and—" He stops to notice them while Bilbo notice and turns in the direction.

The fog moves out of the way "Bless my beard" To reveal the Lonely Mountain "Take it" He gives his pouch to Balin "Take all of it" Bilbo clears his throat nodding to Bard who walks over to them he said "The money, quick" He hold his hand out "Give it to me" Thorin said "We will pay you when we get our provisions but not before".

However, Bard said "If you value your freedom, you'll do as I say" He looks pass them "There are guards ahead" The Company all turn to see the fog disappear revealing Lake Town and guards moving along the docks.

Now Bard is walking on the dock heading in a direction to a Fish Monger as the Company are in the 15 barrels Dwalin said "Shh" He narrow his eyes "What's he doing" Bilbo looks through a hole in his barrel he said "He's talking to someone" Bard and the Monger looks to the barge Bard points "He's pointing right at us" Shocked Thorin turn his head.

Bard and the Monger both shake hands "Now they're shaking hands" Shocked Thorin ask "What" Dwalin said "That villain" He glares "He's selling us out" A chain is rattling slowly Reaper raise his head only for fish to enter his barrel the Company all groan feeling the fish hit them until the barrels are full of fish.

Now Bard had his barge move scattered groans is heard from the Company but kicking a barrel Bard said "Quiet" He holds the rudder "We're approaching the toll gate" The Barge approached the gate a Man name Percy said "Halt" He gets up raising an arm "Goods inspection" Percy grabs a lantern "Papers, please" Seeing who it is "Oh, it's you, Bard".

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