Thorin, meeting, Misty Mountains

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The door opens to reveal Thorin who turn his head looking in he said "Gandalf" Thorin enters the hole "I thought you said this place would be easy to find" Gandalf smiles standing straight "I lost my way" He motions Thorin in "Twice" He looks around "I wouldn't have found it at all had it not been for that mark on the door".

Thorin begins to take his cloak off just as Bilbo ask "Mark" He shake his head "There's no mark on that door" He passes Dwalin and Reaper arrives watching this Gandalf close the door "It was painted a week ago" He looks to Gandalf who said "There is a mark" He turns back "I put it there myself" Gandalf takes a breath moving his arm to Bilbo "Bilbo Baggins..."

He motions Reaper "...Reaper, allow me to introduce the leader of our company..." Bilbo, Gandalf and Reaper look to "...Thorin Oakenshield" Reaper stands by Bilbo as Thorin ask "So..." He stares at them "...this is the Hobbit and young man" Thorin went between them "Tell me, Mr. Baggins, and Mr. Reaper, have either of you done much fighting"?

Reaper narrows his eyes a bit before nodding and Bilbo ask "Pardon me" Walking around them Thorin ask "Axe or sword" Bilbo and Reaper look to Thorin "What's your weapon of choice" Lowering his head a bit Bilbo said "Well, I do have some skill at conkers, if you must know" Thorin cross his arms "But I fail to see why that's relevant".

Glancing to Gandalf before lowering them Thorin said "Thought as much" He turns looking at the Dwarves "The Hobbit looks more like a grocer than a burglar" Thorin turns back looking to Reaper "What about you" Reaper didn't answer but just stare Gandalf said "Reaper can't talk at the moment but he does have some fighting in him I've seen" Thorin smiles before walking by entering a room and the Dwarves laugh Gandalf lean his arm on a wall looking to Reaper and Bilbo.

Now everyone is at the table sitting as Thorin has some food and drink in front of him Reaper leans against the wall behind near Gandalf watching Balin ask "Any news from the meeting in Erud Luin" Thorin looks around "Did they all come" Lowering his spoon Thorin said "Aye" He nods "Envoys from all seven kings" Gloin said "Ah, all of them" Thorin takes another bite of his food.

Dwalin ask "And what do the Dwarves of the Iron Hill say" That caught Thorin's attention with Dwalin staring "Is Dain with us" Sighing looking to him Thorin said "They will not come" That causes the Drawves to groan Dwalin said "MM" Gandalf move his gaze and Reaper cross his arms Thorin said "They say this quest is ours and ours alone" The company looks to one another.

Thorin takes a mug and drinks it entering the room Bilbo ask "You're going on a quest" Catching Gandalf's attention he said "Bilbo, my dear fellow, let us have a little more light" Bilbo nods and went to get a candle while Gandalf pulls out some paper "Far to the east..." Dwalin pulls the plate away and Gandalf stands up "...over ranges and rivers..."

Reaper moves towards Bilbo as Thorin watch Gandalf unfold the paper "...beyond woodlands and wastelands..." Bilbo comes over and Reaper watch Gandalf place a familiar map he's seen before "...lies a single solitary peak" Gandalf points at the mountain learning over Bilbo said "'The Lonely Mountain'" Nodding Gloin said "Aye, Oin has read the portents..."

Dori sighs moving his head "...and the portents say it is time" Gandalf use a bit of his magic to light his finger for his pipe Oin said "Raven have been seen flying back to the mountain, as it was foretold" He leans forward and Gandalf moves a bit blowing his finger "'When the birds of yore return to Erebor, the reign of the beast will end'" He looks to Fili.

Bilbo put a cup down but what Oin said caught his attention turning around Bilbo ask "Uh..." Reaper and Gandalf looks to him "...what beast" Bofur said "That would be a reference to Smaug the Terrible" Gandalf turn his head "Chiefest and greatest calamity of our age" Everyone stares at him "Airborne firebreather" Bofur move his head "Teeth like razors".

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