Elves arrive at Dale, Mithril, Gundabad, Night Before War

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Meanwhile in Dale, a Woman is helping a man as a baby is crying a Man said "These children are starving" A 2nd Man said "We need food" A guard walks pass Percy said "We won't last three days" An old Woman sits in the sun head down while Bard arrives "Bard, we don't have enough" Walking pass holding bowls Bard said "Do what you can, Percy".

He walks through an arch place the bowls next to a woman cooking a stew a 3rd Man said "It'll be all right" He comforts a family "Don't worry" Bard turns around a Woman calls "We need more water" Bard stops looking around he said "The children, the wounded and the woman come first" He turns around leaving a Guard said "Here you are" He gives young man a cup for him to take.

Bard walks up the stairs he said "Good morning, Alfrid" Alfrid leans against the wall "What news from the night watch" Uncrossing his arms Alfrid said "All quiet, sire" Bard walks pass "Not much to report" Alfrid gets up "Nothing gets pass me" He follows Bard out of the house and Bard stops before walking forward he said "Except an army of Elves, it would seem".

In front of Bard is Elves in golden armour all stood straight making the people come and see them Bard glance around before walking down the stairs to the Elves that move making a path for him to walk through staring at this Bard walks forward and the Elves stood back into position while Elves are seen throughout Dale.

Riding an Elk is Thranduil with two rows of Elves in silver armour ride behind him as Bard comes out to see him staring "My Lord Thranduil" The Elves turn around facing Thranduil who turn his Elk to a stop "We did not look to see you here" Thranduil said "I heard you needed aid" He looks to the side to see Elves riding in carriages with food and supplies.

Bard looks to see them walking forward and the people begin to lightly laugh they head for the wagons grabbing what they need and sharing them to others Percy said "Here you go" He gives a bottle to a man before grabbing another one "Another one".

Bard walks to Thranduil he said "You have saved us" Bard smiles shaking his head "I do not know how to thank you" Staring at him Thranduil said "Your gratitude is misplaced" Bard stares at Thranduil "I did not come on your behalf" Thranduil stares "I came to reclaim something of mine".

Meanwhile Thorin picks up a necklace from a pile of white gems "There are gems in the Mountain that I, too, desire" Thorin holds it with both hands "White gems of pure Starlight" He smiles at them Thorin said "The white gems of Lasgalen" He raise his gaze "I know an Elf Lord who will pay a pretty price for these".

He threw the necklace hitting the gems scattering them and Reaper watch from a doorway seeing this shaking his head and turns leaving while Thranduil watch Elves march pass him, but Bard calls "Wait" He runs to him "Please wait" Bard makes a turn stopping to watch the Elves march "You would go to war over a handful of gems".

Staring Thranduil said "The heirlooms of my people are not lightly forsaken" Raising his brows Bard said "We are allies in this" The Elves continue to march "My people also have a claim upon the riches in that Mountain" Bard lowers his arm "Let me speak with Thorin" Thranduil turns to him he ask "You would try to reason with the Dwarf" Bard ask "To avoid war" He nods "Yes".

Meanwhile Thorin walks forward passing Balin who stares Gloin said "Not a bad night's work" Thorin walks pass the Company looking at the blockade Thorin said "Come on" The Company begin to follow grabbing weapons walking up the steps to the top of the rampart looking over to see Elves covered all the streets facing Erebor and then Bard is seen riding a horse over to them.

Arriving at the gate Bard yells "Hail, Thorin, Son of Thrain" He stares at them "We are glad to find you alive beyond hope" Staring Thorin ask "Why do you come to the gates of the King under the Mountain armed for war" Bard ask "Why does the King under the Mountain fence himself in like a robber in his hold"?

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