Thrain, Hidden Door, Sauron

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Meanwhile Gandalf and Radagast are riding towards Dol Guldur on the path Radagast used until they reach it getting off Gandalf use his staff to walk up the hill he said "Dol Guldur" He stares at the fortress "The Hill of Sorcery" Shaking his head Radagast said "It looks completely abandoned" But Gandalf said "As it is meant to".

He stares at the fortress "A spell of concealment lies over this place..." Gandalf looks towards the entrance "...which means our enemy is not yet ready to reveal himself" He takes a breath "He has not regained his full strength" Gandalf looks to Ragadast "Radagast, I need you to carry a message to the Lady Galadriel" Radagast looks to him "Tell her we must force his hand".

Confuse Radagast ask "What do you mean" Looking to him Gandalf said "I'm going in alone" He place a hand on Radagast shoulder "On no account come after me" Radagast looks at Dol Guldur and back to Gandalf then he walks pass him "Do I have your word" Raising his staff Radagast said "Yes, yes, yes, yes" Gandalf turns and walks down the steps to the bridge.

Gandalf walks across it, but Radagast comes back "Wait, Gandalf" He looks to Gandalf who stops "What if it's a trap" Raising his head Gandalf said "Turn around..." He glances around "...and do not come back" He looks to Radagast who slowly turns and leaves while Gandalf turns back "It's undoubtedly a trap" With that he pulls his sword and walks across the bridge to Dol Guldur.

Walking through areas Gandalf turns looking around he move some chains with his staff before turning around walking through another hallway, but little did, he knew a figure is seen holding a sword and chase after him.

Meanwhile Thorin stab his sword breathing he ask "Anything" Higher near the mountain Dwalin calls "Nothing" Gloin is with him looking around as the Company spread out to find the hidden door Bilbo breathes walking forward Thorin said "If the map is true..." He glances around "...then the hidden door lies directly above us".

Reaper teleports then spots something he turns and whistles loudly Bilbo turns and runs over to him he ask "What is it" Reaper points for Bilbo to look in the direction to see behind a boulder is a stairway going up the statue "Up here" The Company all gathered around them running up last Thorin said "You both have keen eyes, Master Baggins, Master Reaper".

Meanwhile Gandalf walks forward looking around stopping at an area he said "The evil that is hidden here..." He walks forward "...I command it come forth" Gandalf raise his staff "I command it reveal itself" He slams his staff for a silver sphere to spread out from his crystal through the area Gandalf turns before turning again walking down a hall he chants in Quenyan.

Hearing his chant Azog raise his head he said "The Wizard has come" Next to him is an Underling who said "He is lifting the spell..." He turns to Azog "He will find us" Nodding Azog said "Yes..." He looks to Underling "...he will" Wargs near them growling at one another while Gandalf walk pass a cage with a skeleton in it.

He turns walking by a wall then down more stairs and passing more cages Gandalf stops to turn around keeping his guard up creaking is heard but suddenly appearing above Gandalf is a figure who jumps with the sword raise landing on Gandalf who grunts falling on the floor he turns to see the figure and dodge his attacks.

But Gandalf use his staff to trip his leg making the figure hit a boulder before swinging his staff at the figure who ducks and jumps tackling Gandalf to the floor, he snarls at him but Gandalf push the figure off him the figure shouts running at Gandalf who grabs and threw him through some vines and went over the edge.

Seeing this chance Gandalf grabs his sword and staff runs through the halls stopping the figure growls running pass making Gandalf turn in the direction he moves towards a corner to see a shadow of the figure run pass making him move away from his spot and runs with the figure following Gandalf groans hitting some chains he stops seeing the figure run pass.

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