Battle of the Five Armies

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Bells are ringing in Lake Town and the citizens are shouting looking towards the Lonely Mountain getting their boats or barges ready two guards at the Master's door went to the side looking at the Mountain the Master said "I warned you" Citizens begin to move "Did I not warn you what would come of dealing with Dwarves" A Man runs pass "'Now they've done it".

Inside the Master's building Braga and the guards are grabbing the gold "They've woken the dragon" The Master follows them "They've brought an apocalypse upon our heads" Alfrid follows the Master "Come on" Pulling a candle holder down "Quickly" A bookcase lowers down, and the Master motions them "Faster now, I'm trying to evacuate myself here".

The guards walk down the steps "Careful, man" They watch their steps "Never mind the books" At the bottom of the stairs revealing a dock with a boat next to it "Get on" The Master motions them "Get the rest of it" They start to put the gold on the boat Alfrid ask "But, Sire, should we not try to save the town"?

The Master said "The town is lost" More guards threw the gold in the boat "Save the gold" Turning Braga said "You heard him" Boxes of gold is put on the boat "Get a move on" A pair of ladies hold blankets close to one another while a Girl calls "Da" The Father said "Come on, we must go" A few men are rowing a boat.

Citizens are putting what they need on the boats a 2nd Man yells "Pile 'em up" A rumbling is heard from a distance as Tauriel stands outside the house staring at the Lonely Mountain everything went quiet until she hears Smaug snarling while a shadow went over a building making Citizens in that area scream seeing Smaug.

Entering the house Tauriel said "We have no time" She walks pass Bain "We must leave" She grabs a few blankets Bofur said "Get him up" Heading over to his brother Fili said "Come on, brother" He helps Kili up and Bofur said "Come on, come on" He puts a cloak over Fili "Let's go" But Kili said "I'm fine" He shove Fili off him "I can walk" Tauriel goes to Tilda she said "Fast as you can".

Walking to her Bain said "We're not leaving" Sigrid takes one of the blankets Tauriel gave her "Not without our father" She puts the blanket on Tilda as Tauriel said "If you stay here, your sisters will die" She turns to Bain "Is that what your father would want" Bain stares at her while Bard rattles the bars in his cell Bard yells "Open this door".

There was no one at the desk "Do you hear me" Bard keeps rattling the bars, but he stops to hear shouting and looks to see Smaug appears from the clouds flying pass making Bard grunt trying to move the bars reaching for the lock a Woman yells "Look" Bard runs to the cell window while a 3rd Man yells "Down here" He motion around "Now".

Fili and Bofur put their stuff in the boat looking back Fili said "Give me your hand" Tauriel went to the front of the boat Bofur said "Come on" Fili helps Sigrid into the boat "We gotta go" Holding onto the post Tauriel said "Quickly now" Tilda and Bain run down the stairs "Hurry" Looking back Fili said "Kili, come on" Kili and Oin runs over to them.

More citizens run 4th Man yells "It's round the corner" A couple men run by a 5th Man yells "Keep going, man" Fili and Bofur grab long sticks to push the boat out from under the house into the street a Woman yells "Aah" Smaug flies over them Fili stares at him along with Oin, Kili and Tauriel while Smaug circles around heading for the lake his belly glows.

He spread his wings and once close Smaug releases fire on the town burning buildings and killing families as the families or citizens on the boats duck down avoiding the fire as Bard watch from his cell seeing Smaug launch more fire an elderly lady stands by a post while Smaug reach the other side stopping his attack Citizen are shouting trying to climb out of the water or fire.

Bard tries to break his window with a bucket dropping it as Smaug release more fire killing a couple on a boat behind Bard's family's boat a woman and her daughter on a boat shouting for their loved ones while a man on fire falls from a burning house into the water the Master said "Come on, come on" His boat is filled with gold.

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