Goblins, Gollum

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The thunder clashes and rain pour down and the White Warg growls smelling the ground riding it is Azog who said "The scent is fresh" He looks at the Misty Mountains "They have taken the mountain pass" Lightning flashes and thunder cracks Azog motion his Warg making it move with the Orc Pack following forward to the Misty Mountains.

Meanwhile the Company is sleeping in the cave, but Bilbo opens his eyes glances before sitting up to see the Dwarves and Reaper are sleeping and Bilbo sits up moving his blanket off him he grabs his sword doing the belt on him tying it up before folding his blanket and clip his backpack together putting it on his back and grab his walking stick quietly.

Bilbo quietly walks by the Dwarves not to waken Dori snorts moving a bit as Bilbo looks then he went pass Reaper who move his head a bit then Bilbo heads towards the exit but Bofur notices leaning he ask "Where do you think you're going" Bilbo stops before turning to him he said "Back to Rivendell" Shock Bofur said "No, no, you can't turn back now, eh".

He gets up walking to him "Your part of the Company" Bilbo stares at him "You're one of us" Shaking his head Bilbo ask "I'm not, though, am I" Bofur stares at him "Thorin said I should never have come and he was right" He turn his head "I'm not a Took" Bilbo looks back to Bofur "I'm a Baggins".

Unknown to them Thorin is awake listening "I don't know what I was thinking" Bilbo breathes tapping his stick "I should never have run out my door" But Bofur said "You're homesick" He nods "I understand" Leaning forward raising a finger Bilbo said "No, you don't" But Bofur nods "You don't understand" Bilbo shake his head "None of you do".

He smiles at them "Your dwarves" He turn his head "You're used to this life" He motion around as Bofur stares "To living on the road, never settling in one place, not belonging anywhere" Bofur frowns staring and Bilbo realises "Oh, I am sorry" He shake his head a bit "I didn't—" Bilbo clear his throat looking down.

But Bofur said "No, you're right" He turns looking at the others "We don't belong anywhere" Thorin frowns lowering his gaze as Bilbo move his gaze and Bofur looks back nodding I wish you all the luck in the world" Bilbo looks to Bofur who smiles "I really do" He place a hand on Bilbo's shoulder and Bilbo stops he said "At least you still have one burglar left".

He nods to Reaper who's still asleep Bofur nods and Bilbo turns but Bofur notice something he ask "What's that" Bilbo turns, and his sword is glowing Bilbo looks to his sword and pulls it to reveal the blade glowing blue he remembers what Gandalf said to him back at the troll's cave making Bilbo look to Bofur while Thorin lift his head noticing the look.

Suddenly a rumbling of wood creaking is heard he looks at the ground to see sand going down a crack passing him sitting up Thorin yells "Wake up" Reaper opens his eyes "Wake up" The Dwarves all beginning to wake up stumbling Bofur said "Whoa" The ground underneath them collapse causing the Company to fall.

The Company screams falling below landing on a smooth area sliding down passing rocks hitting the walls until they land on a wooden area grunting on impact but the groan due to Bombur landing on them last while running towards them is Goblins noticing Fili calls "Look out" The Goblins grab them Dwalin yells "Get away" They try to get them back.

But there was too many of them Balin said "Filth" They grab the Company dragging them Dwalin yells "Get back" Reaper was grab next being dragged Gloin calls "You'll pay for this" Reaper punches a Goblin over the edge as more drag the Company forward Bilbo whimpers while the Goblins chatter dragging the Company over a bridge and bats squeaking flying away.

Dwalin tries to fight back but the Goblins force him forward with Reaper kicking a Goblin off him but more dragging forward as Bilbo stands noticing the Goblins passing him then he went down Nori said "Get off me" He looks to see Bilbo not moving and the Goblins went pass not noticing him while the last Goblins went pass making Bilbo raise his head glancing around.

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