Bilbo and Reaper meet Smaug

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Meanwhile Bilbo and Reaper slowly make a turn to another hallway to an open area of Erebor taking a step Bilbo ask "Hello" Reaper walks forward but he stops at the edge just as Bilbo taps the wall causing an echo making him go back, he notices Reaper not moving "Reaper" Reaper just stares in front of him Bilbo clears his throat looking back before walking to Reaper "He's not at home, Reaper".

He shakes his head "Not at home" Bilbo clears his throat "Good, good, good" All Reaper did was place a hand on Bilbo's head and turning it for Bilbo to see the treasure of Erebor in front of them Bilbo and Reaper slowly look to one another and back they walk down the stairs until they reach the treasure slowly Bilbo steps on some coins making them move.

Reaper slowly follows him onto the treasure Bilbo groans watching a few coins went pass Reaper who stops they quietly move through the treasure and begin to search for the Arkenstone taking two areas Bilbo holds a diamond then a ruby bigger than it Reaper slowly moves the coins seeing some giant stones of sapphire and emeralds holding them up before placing them back.

Bilbo holds a white jewel "Reaper" Reaper turns to him seeing the jewel "What's that" Bilbo nods to it but Reaper shakes his head making Bilbo nod understanding he threw the stone causing it to clatter into another treasure "Shush" They move through the treasure passing a pillar "Arkenstone" Bilbo trip into the treasure and Reapers his balance "Arkenstone".

He kneels by Bilbo who looks around "A large, white jewel" They look around to see they have more cover to ground "Very helpful, right Reaper" Reaper nods seeing more treasure beyond he can see Reaper helps Bilbo up and they begin to look around the treasure more they went up a large hill of coins until they reach a pillar.

Reaper notices a stone he grabs it for coins around to move neither seeing the Smaug's closed eye Reaper looks at the stone as Bilbo raise his head to see the eye patting Reaper's shoulder making him look and Bilbo points for Reaper to see the eye, he quickly grabs Bilbo who muffled gasp dragging him to the pillar they pant staring forward.

Suddenly a noise caught their attention to see a snort making coins fall down around it Bilbo motions the other direction for Reaper to nod and they slowly move away from the snout only to stop watching more of the treasure move from the distance causing Bilbo and Reaper to look to one another they realise Smaug is behind the pillar and under the treasure.

Reaper slowly motions to Bilbo about going forward and Bilbo nods agreeing they slowly move forward but Smaug's head begins to move causing a rumble Bilbo kneels waiting and Reaper keeps still standing they look back to see how close the closed eye is to them Bilbo slowly gets up and Reaper turns they walk backwards.

But suddenly the eye begins to open "Oh" Bilbo and Reaper quickly move down the treasure and stop lying down out of sight Reaper quickly puts his hood on the eye glance around and Bilbo reaches into his pocket and pulls out the Ring while Reaper looks to him seeing it Bilbo looks back to the eye and it begins to be lifted.

Bilbo looks to Reaper who points to a pillar near the front then to himself making Bilbo nod before putting the Ring on vanishing and Reaper teleports to the pillar moving around it just as the head of Smaug rises from the treasure he growls lightly then sniffs the air then growls showing his teeth while Bilbo slowly stands up.

Moving his head Smaug said "Well..." Reaper glance around the pillar "...thieves" Smaug sniffs "I smell you both" Bilbo moves down to avoid his head "I hear your breath" Smaug went towards the pillar Reaper who moves out of sight "I feel your air" Smaug turns back to them "Where are you two" Bilbo stands up straight "Where are you"?

Bilbo moves running down the treasure towards pillar and Smaug watch the treasure moves and Reaper teleports to the next couple pillars as Smaug chase after them going through the treasure Bilbo stops next to Reaper who appears next to him both breathing heavily "Come, now..." They watch Smaug raise his head "...don't be shy".

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