White Council, Thunderbattle

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Nighttime arrived Dori said "I'd rather you didn't" The Dwarves are gathered in a place talking to one another Reaper arrives noticing Bofur said "Reaper, come join us" Nori said "You'd do the same thing" He stands up holding his pipe "It's not like you didn't do it" Bifur cuts a piece of Elf stand and puts it in the fire Dwalin calls "Dori" Dori looks "Here".

Dwalin threw something to him "Take that" Bofur cooks two sausages and Bifur holds some kale over the fire Reaper sits down Bofur said "Here try one" He hands one sausage to Reaper who takes it before noticing Bombur sitting on a table eating hearing the wood creaking Reaper nudge Bofur who looks to him seeing Reaper nodding to Bombur.

Bofur looks before looking to Reaper who raise his sausage "Bombur" Reaper threw his sausage to Bombur who caught it suddenly a noise got his attention and the table collapse Bombur yells "Aah" He lands on the ground making the Dwarves laugh Reaper laughs quietly as Bofur fell on his back laughing the most.

Not far from them Bilbo is walking up the stairs then Gandalf said "Of course I was going to tell you" Bilbo hears him moving his head "I was waiting for this very chance" Bilbo slowly turns raising his brows "And really, I—I think you can trust that I know what I am doing" Elrond ask "Do you" Bilbo looks in the direction "That dragon has slept for sixty years".

Bilbo sees Gandalf and Elrond walking on a bridge Elrond looks to Gandalf "What will happen if your plan should fail" They walk along the bridge "If you wake the beast" Turning to him Gandalf ask "What if we succeed" They still walking forward Gandalf points "If the Dwarves take back the mountain, our defences in the East will be strengthened" Bilbo stares at them.

Elrond said "It is a dangerous move, Gandalf" Standing behind Bilbo is Thorin staring in the same direction Gandalf said "It is also dangerous to do nothing" Bilbo sighs "Oh come" He turn his head to see Thorin there "The Throne of Erebor is Thorin's birthright" Bilbo slowly turn back "What is it your fear" Elrond ask "Have you forgotten"?

He stops Gandalf staring at him "A strain of madness runs deep in that family" Bilbo and Thorin listens "His grandfather lost his mind" Thorin took a step "His father succumbed to the same sickness" Bilbo stares and Thorin move his head "Can you swear Thorin Oakenshield will not also fall" Thorin turns hearing this "Gandalf, these decisions do not rest with us alone" Bilbo turn his gaze "It is not up to you or me to redraw the map of Middle Earth".

Gandalf and Elrond and walking up a spiral stair passing a statue Gandalf said "With or without our help, these Dwarves will march on the mountain" He tap his staff on a step "They're determined to reclaim their homeland" Elrond glance to him "I do not believe Thorin Oakenshield feels that he is answerable to anyone".

Walking by an archway Gandalf looks to Elrond "Nor, for that matter, am I" But Elrond said "It is not me you must answer to" He looks in a direction and Gandalf looks and is surprised to see standing facing the Valley and slowly turning around in a dress with blonde hair wearing a crown is Lady Galadriel walking forward Gandalf said "Lady Galadriel".

Staring Galadriel said "Mithrandir" She lower her head a bit "It has been a long time" Bowing to her Gandalf said "Age may have changed me..." He looks back up shaking his head "...but not so the Lady of Lorien" He smiles at Galadriel who smiles back to him "I had no idea Lord Elrond had sent for you" Gandalf looks to Elrond.

But suddenly a Voice said "He didn't" Gandalf ask "Hmm" The Voice said "I did" Slowly Gandalf close his eyes and standing from another archway is Saruman the White opening his eyes Gandalf turns to him smiling before bowing his head Gandalf said "Saruman" Saruman said "You've been busy of late, my friend" Saruman smiles.

Dawn arrives Gandalf is sitting with his head lowered at the table "Tell me, Gandalf..." Gandalf raise his head looking to Saruman "...did you think these plans and schemes of yours would go unnoticed" Saruman sits across from him, Elrond stands by with his hands behind his back and Galadriel stands facing a direction Gandalf ask "Unnoticed"?

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