Woodland Realm

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The Elves escorted the Company out of Mirkwood on the path to a bridge entering a gate the Elves enter with Tauriel and Legolas who said "Close the gate" Unknown to them Bilbo wearing the Ring is running across the bridge quickly while Legolas stops turning around looking at the woods for a moment before turning around entering the gate and the two guards close it but little did they knew when they turn a black petal is seen falling down landing on the floor.

The Company follows the Elves on another bridge and a throne is see with someone sitting on it watching the Company from the distance as they walk on a branch and sitting on the throne the person turns revealing to be Thranduil while Dwalin is shoved into a cell the Elf close it Dwalin said "This is not the end of it" Oin is shoved into a cell and the Elf close it "Do you hear me"?

Legolas walks pass watching the Dwarves being put into cells Gloin yells "Hey, let us out of here" Nori said "Get off me" He was shoved into another cell as the Elf speaks Elvish pulling Fili before reaching into his coat and pulls out another dagger making Fili sighs the Elf shoves him in closing it turning Kilil ask "Aren't you going to search me"?

He looks to Tauriel who looks to him "I could have anything down my trousers" Staring at him Tauriel said "Or nothing" She close the cell door and walks away from Kili who holds the bars watching her he smiles while Legolas walks to Tauriel he ask "Why does the Dwarf stare at you, Tauriel" Looking to him Tauriel ask "Who can say" She shrugs a bit "He's quite tall for a Dwarf".

She glances to Legolas and looks away "Do you not think" Tauriel walks, and Legolas said "Taller than some..." He turns to Tauriel who walks down the steps "...but no less ugly" Kili sits by the door glaring at Legolas who narrow his eyes while Dwalin grunts trying to open the door with his shoulder, Fili attempts to kick the bars, but it didn't budge.

Gloin and Oin try to ram their bars, but it didn't budge Gloin said "Again" Balin calls "Leave it" Oin and Gloin do it again "There's no way out" Balin sits by his door "This is no Orc dungeon" The cells are seen "These are the Halls of the Woodland Realm" Areas of the Woodland Realm is seen "No one leaves here but by the King's consent".

Thorin is seen standing and standing behind him looking forward is Thranduil who said "Some may imagine that a noble quest is at hand" He turn his head "A quest to reclaim a homeland and slay a dragon" Thranduil looks to Thorin before turning "I myself suspect a more prosaic motive" He walks over to him "Attempted burglary" Thorin stands head high "Or something of that Ilk".

Thranduil move his head looking at Thorin "You have found a way in" Thorin didn't answer "You seek that which would bestow upon you right to rule" He watch Thranduil move back "The King's Jewel: The Arkenstone" Thorin move his gaze and head "It is precious to you beyond measure" He looks back to Thranduil who smiles "I understand theat".

He went serious "There are gems in the mountain that I, too, desire" He breathes "White gems of pure starlight" Thorin raise his head at Thranduil who tilt his head "I offer you my help" He bow his head and Thorin chuckles lowering his head he said "I am listening" He glance to Thranduil who said "I will let you go..." He turns his head "...if you but return what is mine".

Turning around walking Thorin said "A favour for a favour" Thranduil said "You have my word" He watch Thorin went to the stairs "One king to another" Sighing Thorin said "I would not trust Thranduil..." Thranduil stares "...the Great King..." Thorin spread his arms "...to honour his word..." He looks at the Realm "...should the end of all days be upon us".

Thorin turns and points at him "You, who lack of honour" He walks forward "I have seen how you treat your friends" Thranduil begins to open his mouth "We came to you once, starving, homeless, seeking your help" Thorin move his head "But you turned your back" He glares at Thranduil "You turned away from the suffering of my people..."

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