The path, Spiders, Elves

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Meanwhile Thorin kicks some leaves revealing the path "The path turns this way" Bilbo sighs as the Company walks in a single line on the path passing trees and boulders looking around as they hear creaking going on the path by a cliff they went over and under a root going down before Thorin stops looking around using his hammer Dwalin knocks the ground until he heard a stone he said "This way" He walks forward with Thorin and the Company following.

They came to another fork looking around Reaper moves to the front kneeling and place a hand on the ground before looking moving some dirt and leaves to show the path heading to the right getting up patting Thorin's shoulder pointing in the direction Thorin said "Well done, Reaper" He walks on the path with Reaper following and the Company.

Walking on the path noticing getting dark Bofur said "Air" They keep walking "I need air" The Company went over a root Oin said "My head, it's swimming" They keep walking forward until Kili said "We found the bridge" Bofur said "Bridge" The bridge is in sight but there was a gap "Ooh" Bofur sighs stopping at the front looking at it Bilbo and Reaper arrive at the edge.

They stare at the water "We could try and swim it" Bilbo stares forward Thorin ask "Didn't you hear what Gandalf said" Reaper looks at the trees "A dark magic lies upon this forest" Bilbo blinks a bit "The water of this stream are enchanted" He turns while staring Bofur said "Doesn't look very enchanting to me".

Walking Thorin said "We must find another way across" Bilbo turn moving his nose staring at the water as Reaper thinks using his semblance to get across, but Kili walks over to the vines holding on tugging it he said "These vines look strong enough" He was about to climb but Thorin said "Kili" Kili stops looking to Thorin "We sent the lightest first".

Slowly the Company all look to Reaper and Bilbo who look to one another and turn around noticing them staring at them Bilbo sighs and Reaper lower his head before they walk pass the Company and begin to move through the vines grabbing them and they slowly make their way through Bofur said "It's all right" Reaper helps Bilbo who said "Can't see any problem".

He reaches for the next vine, but he tips "Aah" But Reaper grabs the back of his jacket and holding onto the vine he tried to grab Bofur said "There's one" Reaper gives Bofur a look and he steps back raising his arms while Bilbo said "Everything's..." He looks at the water "...fine" Reaper pulls Bilbo who grunts putting his feet on the vine.

Bilbo reaches out for another one and Reaper jumps grabbing onto another vine as Bilbo stares at his reflection slowly begins to nod but Reaper pulls him up to his vine knocking him out of his trance and they grab the next vines carefully moving through watching their steps and they jump landing on the other side Bilbo sighs and Reaper gets up shaking his head.

Waving a finger Bilbo close his eyes "Something's not right" Reaper looks to Bilbo who turns "It's not right at all" He sits down and points "Stay where you are" Bilbo looks to Reaper who points, and Bilbo looks "Oh" The Company moves through the vines Dwalin said "I can't get a grip" Bofur jumps grabbing onto a vine Bilbo slaps his face a bit Reaper stares.

Nori jumps grabbing a vine Dori jump grabbing him and Bombur yawns shaking his head before falling back and lands on the vine he snores as Thorin lands next to Bilbo who looks to him and gets up Reaper moves back for some space Thorin looks around before a noise caught his Bilbo and Reaper's attention, they look in a direction.

They see moving from behind a tree is a white deer Bilbo stares at it before noticing Thorin readying an arrow and Reaper stares at it "What are you doing" Bilbo looks back to the deer who stares at the three of them and Thorin stares at it before firing the arrow missing the deer who runs off "You shouldn't have done that" Thorin moves a bit "It's bad luck" Staring Thorin said "I don't believe in luck".

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