Battle for the Mountain

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The next day at dawn in front of Erebor is the army of Elves and riding through the ranks that move is Bard on his horse and Thranduil on his Elk towards the front as the Company all in armour watch from behind the rampart while Alfrid appears around a corner with two bowls he said "Wakey-Wakey, Hobbit, boy, up you..." He stops looking forward "...get" The two beds are empty.

Once Thranduil and Bard reach the front riding up the steps the Elk snorting but suddenly Thorin pulls out a bow and arrow aiming at them then fires hitting the ground making the Elk and horse stop making Thranduil and Bard look to it and back Thorin said "I will put the next one between your eyes" He readies another arrow.

The Company all shouting Thranduil smiles a bit before frowning before lowering his head a bit then suddenly Elves archers at the front of the army ready their bows and arrows aiming forward making the Company except Thorin duck behind the rampart while Thorin breathes still aiming Bard looks to Thranduil who raise his hand for the Elves to put their arrows away.

Thorin stares at them Thranduil said "We have come to tell you payment of your debt has been offered and accepted" Bard looks to Thorin who ask "What payment" He keeps the arrow aimed "I gave you nothing" He shake his head "You have nothing" Thranduil raise his brows before looking to Bard who reach into his pocket and pulls out the Arkenstone.

Holding it up for the Company to see Bard said "We have this" Thorin lowers his bow seeing the Arkenstone he stares in shocked Kili said "They have the Arkenstone" He furrow his brows "Thieves" Thorin keeps staring at the Arkenstone "How came you by the heirloom of our house" His breathing is slow "That stone belongs to the King".

Bard looks at it before looking to them he said "The King may have it..." He lowers his arm "...with our goodwill" He chucks it into the air catching it before putting it back into his pocket as Thorin glares lowering his head "But first he must honour his word" Shaking his head Thorin said "They are taking us for fools".

Fili and Kili look to Thorin who turn his head a bit "This is a ruse" Balin looks to Thorin who turns back "A filthy lie" He leans up "The Arkenstone is in this Mountain" He glares at Thranduil and Bard "It is a trick" Suddenly Bilbo said "I-It's no trick" Bilbo and Reaper walk pass Oin and Dwalin "The stone is real" Thorin stares forward "We gave it to them" He turn his gaze and along with the Company.

Thranduil and Bard were surprised to see them there shaking his head Thorin ask "You two" Reaper stares and Bilbo said "We took it as our 14th and 15th share" Reaper nods agreeing as Thorin ask "You two would steal from me" Raising his head Bilbo ask "Steal from you" Reaper lower his head a bit "No" Bilbo smiles moving a bit "No, we may be burglars..."

Bilbo motion Reaper and himself "...but I like to think we're honest ones" Reaper raises his head nodding as Thorin takes a step forward staring at them "We're willing to let it stand against our claim" Thorin ask "Against your claims" He smiles a bit "Your claims" Reaper notice the look and move a bit forward to stand in front of Bilbo.

Thorin begins to take steps lowering his head "You both have no claim over me, you miserable rats" He threw the bow down making it clang on the ground as Bilbo took a step around Reaper he said "We were going to give it to you" Reaper nods reaching to his side "Many times we wanted to, but—" Thorin ask "But what, thieves"?

Leaning forward Bilbo said "You are changed, Thorin" He stares with Reaper at Thorin "The Dwarf we met in Bag End would never have gone back on his word" Thorin open his mouth a bit "Would never have doubted the loyalty of his kin" Reaper motions the Company looking back to Thorin who said "Do not speak to me of loyalty".

Thorin looks towards the ramparts "Throw them from the rampart" He motion Bilbo and Reaper who both look to him as Bard and Thranduil both stare at this Thorin notice no one is moving he turns to Fili "Did you not hear me" He grabs Fili's arm but Fili grunts shoving Thorin off him while Thorin turns back "I will do it myself".

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