Beorn, Mirkwood

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Meanwhile Beorn runs forward he groans getting up holding a tree then he changes to his human form before collapsing forward before stumbling forward he breathes heavily getting up naked he looks at his house staring at it.

The next day horses are moving along the grass they neigh moving running forward a piece of wood is seen only for an axe to slice it in two as a bee buzzing down before landing on Bilbo who wakes up seeing it, he sits up noticing another on his shoulder he moves his arm making the other bee fly away Bilbo sits up to notice he was alone.

But he hears a thump and looks Dori said "Don't blame me" Chatter is heard Bilbo gets up putting his coat on walking over Gloin said "We should never have come here" A thump is heard "It was a mistake" Bilbo turns around before moving back a bit from a bull "I said this myself" Another piece of wood is chopped.

Leaning forward Nori said "Well, I say we should leg it" He turns around "Slip out the back way" Grabbing his shoulder turning Dwalin said "I'm not running from anyone, beast or no" Reaper shake his head and Gandalf said "There is no point in arguing" The Company looks to him "We cannot pass through the Wilderland without Beorn's help" They stare at him "We'll be hunted down before we ever get to the forest" Bilbo arrives "Bilbo".

Gandalf notice him "There you are" Gandalf move through the Dwarves "Now, this will require some delicate handling" Bofur stood at the window watching "We must tread very carefully" Gandalf turns to them "The last person to have startled him was torn to shreds" The axe thuds Bilbo stares, Kili and Thorin look to one another Reaper stares.

Taking a breath Gandalf turns "I will go first and—" He turns back "Bilbo, Reaper" Gandalf motions them "You both come with me" Reaper walks forward and Bilbo stammers looking to Thorin who nods for him Bilbo ask "I-Is this a good idea" He walks forward stopping next to Reaper while Gandalf said "Yes" He looks at the Company "Now, the rest of you, you just wait here..."

Bilbo and Reaper reach Gandalf who motions "...and don't come out until I give the signal" Bofur said "Right" He nods "Wait for the signal" Moving Reaper and Bilbo forward Gandalf said "And no sudden moves or loud noises don't overcrowd him" The Company nods "And only come out in pairs" Gandalf nods "Right" He turns but stops.

Gandalf turns back "No, actually, Bombur" Bombur bites a carrot staring "You count as two so you should come out alone" Bombur nods understand, and the axe thuds Gandalf raise a finger "Remember: wait for the signal" He turns and leaves with Bilbo and Reaper while the Company agree Bofur ask "What signal would that be" They look to him and back.

Reaper, Bilbo and Gandalf walk down the stairs they stop to see another piece of wood is chopped Gandalf moves a bit of his hair before walking forward with Bilbo and Reaper following to watch Beorn put another piece of wood on the stump Gandalf clears his throat Bilbo said "You're nervous" Gandalf looks to him while Beorn chops another wood.

Gandalf looks back slowly stopping he ask "Nervous" He looks to Bilbo "What nonsense" Bilbo looks to Reaper he ask "He's nervous" Reaper nods as Gandalf calls "Good morning" Beorn chops another piece of wood Bilbo frowns and Reaper stares as Beorn lift his axe missing Gandalf who leans back chopping another piece of wood "Good morning".

Beorn stops breathing standing straight he ask "Who are you" He glance from the corner of his eye at Gandalf who said "I'm Gandalf" He smiles "Gandalf the Grey" He bows to Beorn who turns pulling his axe from the stump revealing he had long hair reaching his back a beard that the middle is shaven with scars on his body and wearing an old shackle.

Staring at him Beorn said "Never heard of him" Glancing up before raising his head Gandalf said "I'm a wizard" He move his hand "Perhaps you've heard of my colleague, Radagast the Brown" Beorn stares at him "He resides in the Southern borders of Mirkwood" Gandalf motions behind him and Beorn ask "What do you want"?

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