Aftermath, The Shire

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A few hours later all the survivors of Dale gathered in the streets facing Erebor as Percy and other men blew horns a Husband take his hat off and his Wife comforts him slowly other men begin to take their hats off while Bain stood next to Bard who put his arm around Tilda and Sigrid stands next to him holding his arm and Bard stares at Erebor.

Meanwhile Thorin's body lies on a table with his sword on his side and the Arkenstone in his hands Ori, Dwalin, Nori, Dori, Bombur, Bifur, Bofur, Gloin, Oin, Balin, Kili, Fili, Bilbo and Reaper all walk around Thorin table paying their respects for him Balin trying to hold his tears back, Dwalin stares at Thorin while Kili and Fili breathe deeply comforting one another.

Tauriel, Gandalf, Radagast who is holding is hat and Beorn stood on the side staring at the funeral as Bilbo lower his head and Reaper close his eyes a tear fell below his helmet before opening them then the Company all stood in front facing the Dwarves that survived the battle Gandalf calls "The King is dead" Raising his sword Balin yells "Long live the King".

Slowly Bombur, Bifur, Oin, Nori, Ori, Fili, Bilbo, Kili, Gloin, Dwalin, Dori and Bofur all raise their weapons and Reaper summon his wings the Company yell "Long live the King" Gandalf raise his staff while the Dwarves all pull out their swords, axes and hammers holding them in front except Dain who wears the crown bows to them.

An hour later Bilbo is wearing a big bag on his back and Reaper is wearing a bigger one on his back walking with Balin who said "There is to be a great feast tonight" They walk to a bridge "Songs will be sung" They stop at it "Tales will be told" Balin, Reaper and Bilbo look to one another "And Thorin Oakenshield will pass into legend".

Balin looks to the gate Bilbo said "I know that's how you must honour him" Bilbo tilt his head "But to us, he was never that" Reaper nods agreeing "He was...." Bilbo stops " me..." Reaper puts a hand on his shoulder "...he was..." Balin smiles at Bilbo who nods smiles back he looks to Balin "What will happen to Fili and Kili"?

Taking a deep breath Balin said "Fili has decided to learn from Dain to become the next King under the Mountain" Reaper tilt his head "Kili, he's going to go on an adventure with Tauriel soon" Nodding Bilbo said "Well, I think we'll slip quietly away" He looks across the bridge and back "Will you tell the others we said goodbye"?

Bilbo begins to walk pass Reaper who doesn't move Balin said "You both can tell them yourselves" That stop Bilbo who looks to Balin then notice Reaper looking to gate and he looks to see the Company standing there Bilbo chuckles walking to them and Reaper shake his head Bilbo said "Uh, if any of you are ever passing Bag End, uh..."

He stops smiling "...tea is at 4:00" Oin, Nori, Dwalin, Bofur "There's plenty of it" Fili, Ori, Kili, Bombur, Bifur, Gloin and Dori all stare "You are welcome any time" They bow to Bilbo and Reaper "Uh..." Bilbo raise his head to them "...don't bother knocking" The Company laugh lightly while Gandalf chuckles smiling at them.

Bilbo and Reaper turn walking pass Balin who watch them Reaper pat his shoulder crossing the bridge as the Company watch them go getting on the horses and pony and leave Erebor on their journey going over hills, crossing fields passing giant boulders while reaching a forest Gandalf chuckle walking with Bilbo and Reaper.

Stopping Gandalf said "Ah" Bilbo and Reaper stop "The boarders of the Shire" They turn to Gandalf "It is here I must leave you two" In Bilbo's arm is a small chest and Reaper had two full pouches on his belt tied up Bilbo said "That's a shame" They walk to Gandalf "I quite like having a wizard around" Reaper looks to Bilbo who tilt his head "Seems they bring good luck".

Staring at him Gandalf ask "You don't really suppose, do you, that all your adventures and escapes were managed by mere luck" Bilbo stares at him "Magic rings should not be used lightly, Bilbo" Bilbo raise his brows "Don't take me for a fool" Reaper knew the Ring in Bilbo's pocket, but he can't do anything about it Bilbo stammers "I know you found one..."

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