Elrond, Map reveal, Azog lives

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Gandalf leads the Company down the rocky path "Which is why you will leave the talking to me" They are walking across the bridge looking around passing two statues that look down at them Bilbo and Reaper stop to stare at the city looking around Thorin and Dwalin look to one another while walking by two Elves is a black hair Elf walking down the stairs.

The Elf said "Mithrandir" Gandalf turns to see who it is he said "Ah, Lindir" Lindir place a hand on his chest before waving it as Thorin said "Stay sharp" Dwalin stares as Lindir smiles at Gandalf he said "We heard you had crossed into the Valley" Gandalf said "I must speak with Lord Elrond" But Lindir said "My Lord Elrond is not here" Gandalf ask "Not here"?

He looks pass Lindir narrowing an eye "Where is he" Before Lindir could speak a horn is head making him look pass Gandalf as Bilbo, Reaper and the Dwarves turn towards the bridge and Gandalf raise his eyebrows smiling before turning around to see Elves ridding on the path to the bridge Dwalin yells in Dwarvish.

Holding his axe Thorin said "Close ranks" Bofur and Oin drag Reaper and Bilbo to the middle and the Dwarves gather holding their weapons just as the Elves ride around them Dwalin moves Ori back Reaper looks at the Elves with Bilbo back to him while the horse's snorts and Elves stare at them and Gandalf watch this.

The Elves slowly came to a stop and on one horse is Elrond who said "Gandalf" Smiling Gandalf said "Lord Elrond" He walks forward as Dwalin and Thorin watch him place a hand on his chest "My friend" Gandalf bow his head before looking to him "Where have you been" Raising his head Elrond said "We've been hunting a pack of Orcs that came up from the South".

Elrond gets off his horse and walks forward "We slew a number near the Hidden Pass" The Dwarves keep their guards up Bilbo and Reaper watch Elrond hug Gandalf "Strange for Orcs to come so close to our borders" Elrond holds an Orc sword he looks to Gandalf with eyebrows raise "Something or someone has drawn them near" He walks pass and gives the sword to Lindir who takes it before turning back.

Realising Gandalf said "Ah, that may have been us" He turns to the Company and Thorin walks forward, and Elrond turns to him he said "Welcome, Thorin, Son of Thrain" Thorin said "I do not believe we have met" He looks at Elrond who said "You have your grandfather's bearing" He nods slightly "I knew Thror when he ruled under the mountain".

Staring Thorin said "Indeed" The Elves take the horses to the stables "He made no mention of you" Elrond stares at him for a moment then he speaks Elvish not looking away Gloin ask "What is he sayin'" Gandalf and Elrond look to him "Does he offer us insult" He moves forward and the Dwarves begin to agree but Gandalf said "No, Master Gloin, he's offering you food".

Thorin and Dwalin talk to one another, and the Dwarves gather to talk to themselves Reaper and Bilbo watch them split Gloin said "Ah, well..." He motions staring "In that case, lead on" The Company follows Elrond and Gandalf up the stairs.

An hour later the Dwarves and Bilbo are sitting at one table Ori holds a kale Dori said "Try it" He holds a drink before leaning in "Just a mouthful" Shaking his head Ori said "I don't like green food" Dwalin lifts some green vegetables from the bowl looking before dropping it he ask "Where's the meat" Oin use a knife to pick up a mushroom he said "Hmm".

Looking around Ori ask "Have they got any chips" A couple of Elves are playing instruments Gandalf said "Kind of you to invite us" He and Elrond walk enter the area "Not really dressed for dinner" Looking to him Elrond said "Well, you never are" He smiles at Gandalf who chuckles before sitting at a taller table with Elrond, Thorin and Reaper passing an Elf who plays a flute.

Bofur notice Kili staring at the Elf Maid playing the harp staring back at Kili who smiles and wink a bit while Dwalin stares at him Kili looks back and frowns shaking his head he said "I can't fancy Elf maids myself, too thin" Dwalin raise his brows a bit "They're all high cheekbones and creamy skin".

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