White Council and Silver Eye Warrior vs The Nine and Sauron, Dragon sickness

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Meanwhile in Dol Guldur still in the cage Gandalf is speaking a language moving his head as Radagast speaks the same language eyes cross, and Gandalf opens his eyes a bit before he and Radagast speak the language at the same time while walking with a sword an Orc who growls walking over to Gandalf surprising him.

The Orc grab the cage taking it off the hook the Orc said "Spells will not save you, old man" He threw the cage onto the floor making it roll and Gandalf grunts "You have something my Master wants" The Orc opens the cage and grabs Gandalf holding him high "Where is it" He slams Gandalf back on the floor making him groan "One of the three Elven Rings".

The Orc growls staring at Gandalf who grabs a chain and whips it hitting the Orc who turns back spitting Orc blood before grabbing Gandalf and slams him on the floor again he groans holding his arm showing the Elven Ring "The Ring of Fire" The Orc holds the blade under the fingers "Where are the others"?

Meanwhile a hand with an Elven Ring grabs a gate and push it open for an Elf to walk pass walking forward barefoot hearing the Orcs growl and Gandalf groaning the Elf turns to the stairs as the Orc drags Gandalf to a square stone the Orc speaks Black Speech holding picking up his sword holding it over Gandalf's hand.

Gandalf felt a presence making him turn his head to see walking up the stairs is Galadriel as the Orc raise its sword but stops sensing Galadriel who approaches to the Orc who turns to see her Galadriel said "I come for Mithrandir" The Orc growls "And I will leave with him" The Orc drops Gandalf who rolls on the floor and turns to Galadriel who glance to him and back.

The Orc growls holding its sword and Galadriel walks forward "If you try to stop me, I will destroy you" She lowers her head a bit and the Orc roars but Galadriel raise her hand sending a white flash hitting the Orc destroying it and the shockwave went through the sky in a circle while Galadriel gently picks up Gandalf who is unconscious.

Galadriel turns and heads down the stairs she came from but suddenly Sauron said "Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky..." Galadriel reaches the bottom but she stops listening "...Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone..." Staring forward Galadriel said "Nine for mortal Men doomed to die" She gasp to see slowly appearing Nine Nazguls appear.

Slowly Galadriel turn to see them holding their weapons she gasps moving back towards a statue seeing the Nine Nazgul's surround her slowly before Galadriel sits down with Gandalf who groans lightly in her lap moving his head Sauron said "You cannot fight in the shadow" Galadriel stares down "Even now you fade" The Nazgul stare at her "One light..."

Galadriel raise her head "...alone in the darkness" Staring in the direction Galadriel said "I am not alone" Walking from the left arch is Elrond in armour pulling out his sword the Nazgul look at him before while walking from the right arch is Saruman the White making the Nazgul look to him and a noise caught everyone's attention.

Walking from the middle of the arch is Reaper with his hood on spinning his scythe above him before placing it on his right shoulder and raising his head and the Nazgul look to him Saruman ask "Are you in need of assistance, my Lady" The two Nazgul's shriek turning towards Saruman who glance to them.

Moving forward Elrond said "You should've stayed dead" The Nazgul swing it's weapon at Elrond who blocks and cuts it making the Nazgul disappear as Saruman said "Ah" He use his staff to hit the two Nazgul make them disappear while Reaper swings his scythe slashing the two Nazgul's before teleporting in front of another clashing against it.

Elrond slash a Nazgul in front of him and Saruman swings his staff against the Nazgul before his crystal shines sending the Nazgul below the edge behind him, but it crawls back up and jumps raising its weapon only for Saruman to spin his staff clashing it against the floor while Reaper clash against two Nazgul's at the same time then does a jump spinning in midair avoiding both weapons.

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