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??? POV:

Explosions and screams can be heard echoing in the distance, whether they're coming from below or from my mind, I can't say anymore. I pull myself up after falling down, trying to regain any slight appearance of balance as the object underneath me shifts, lifting me before falling once more. My eyes open wide as I scan left and right frantically, trying to catch a glimpse of what was on my mind when I saw it.
And farther
Is the body of one redhead as they fall farther towards the sea of hands and smiles
Their face a mix of regret, sadness, and guilt. You stare at each other as you see them mouth the words, "I'm Sorry."
The silence is pierced by the screams of one person.


Hi, I hope I'm doing this correctly, but anyway, hello and welcome to my first fanfic. I hope you enjoyed the teaser and first chapter. I want to get some things straight from the get-go. First, this is going to be an OCxOC story inside AOT. I tried to work in a few female characters as the love interest instead, but none fit the mold I wanted for the story without breaking up moments I really wanted to write. Anyway, I hope you will continue to read future chapters when I release them, and have a great day wherever you are.

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