Those Days

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Marcel POV:

"Oi! Wake up!" I hear a voice say before feeling something push against me hard, shaking me until I finally opened my eyes. Staring down at me was a familiar sight, my brother Porco looking disapproving of me and expecting an answer.

"I'm up! I'm up! you can stop now!." I reply making him grunt in annoyance.

"You know, you've been acting a lot differently lately. You used to be the one waking me up every morning to train." Porco stated as he walked towards the door of my room.

"I'm sorry Pock, I've been training with Zach more these days, his titan's ability tends to take a lot out of me" hearing this he scoffed and retorted.

"That Tybur brat still hasn't given up yet? its been 8 months hasn't it?" He asked with slight annoyance in his tone.

"He's really improved Pock, though I wouldn't say he's on the same level as everyone else, but he's definitely improved." I tell Porco which only serves to annoy my brother more, but before he could say more another voice cut in.

"Marcel! Zach is here!" I could hear my mom yell from the front door.

Hearing this Porco took his leave and left me alone in my room. 'Well I better not keep him waiting ' I thought as I rose from my bed and got dressed in my Warrior attire.

As I exit my room voices could be heard toward the front door so I started off in that direction. "-t's fine Mrs. Galliard really." I heard a voice say instantly recognizing it as my friend Zach's.

"No it's not Zach, this young man just needs to learn some manners." I heard mom tell Zach as I rounded the hallway corner to see Zach, Porco, and Mom all at the front door. Mom was currently pinching Porco on the cheek as he tried to escape her grasp futilely.

"I think Porco has learned his lesson mom, right Porco?" I state as I approach gaining all of their attention.

Mom just sighs then smiles at me while letting go of his cheek. "You're probably right, now you two walk safely I have some errands to run today so I'll see you tonight, and Porco." She said before eyeing the boy, who was already sneaking away. "Just because you didn't get chosen to inherit doesn't mean that you should take it out on Zach." She finished causing Porco to silently nod before disappearing farther into the house.

"Well, come on we'll be late." I said pushing past Zach and making my way into the street.

I started walking to HQ with Zach following closely, we tended to walk together in the mornings due to convenience since Zach's morning jogging route ended near my home. "So are there any new juicy rumors you heard at HQ?" I ask turning my head with a smile to my fellow Warrior.

He looks to the ground below in thought whilst cupping his chin before opening his mouth. "Not really and that's a little worrying. I mean I even heard when they were thinking of changing the interior paint color." He said with uneasiness evident in his tone.

"You're right that is worrying, why all the secrecy?" I ask, stumped at the idea.

"I don't know, but what I do know is that the commander has been pretty harsh on all of us for the past month it's been pretty tiring." Zach groaned out while caressing his right shoulder.

"Does that hurt still? I still feel bad about it." I said as I stopped in my tracks and looked to the ground in shame.

Zach stopped as well and slowly turned around. "Are you really still hung up on that? I'm fine, remember it was my idea to have an all out fight. Just remember that next time I'll be the one biting your arm off." He replied laughing joyfully as he did.

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