Training Corps Pt. 4 Training Exercise

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1 year later

Fiona POV:

We rode along a dirt path on our horses sun beating down on all of us. Today we were participating in an exploration exercise, it was quite simple. Two teams would navigate to a destination far away from the Training Grounds and loop back, exchanging information at the halfway point. The first group comprised of Marco, Eren, Sasha, Mina, Connie, Christa, Jean, and me. While the second had Gabriel, Mikasa, Zach, Thomas, Reiner, Bertholdt, Annie, Collin, and Melissa.

"So..." Marco looked to his left. "We're not allowed to rush this?"

"R-Right," Armin replied.

Almost in a single file, our group was moving at a slow, steady pace.

"We'd also be stupid if we did," Jean said. "We can take our time." Behind him, Connie had his head titled up while Sasha, at the end of the line, was slumping forward.

"The important part is we get there safely." I reminded everyone to which Marco nodded.

"Right, we all need to keep ourselves alert and focused." He instructed everyone.

After a few more moments of riding Eren spoke up. "We won't get anywhere if we don't speed up."

"Calm down Eren can't you see we have been given a golden opportunity to finally relax." Jean replied irking the other.

"Jean, if you're going to take it slow, then I'm going ahead." Eren said as he began to speed up.

"Wait, Eren..." Armin called after his friend.

"But," Marco held up his hand, "The formation group... What do we do, Jean?"

"Like I care!" Jean answered immediately and bluntly.

Jean continued, "Extra effort here won't get me into the Military Police."

"Is that really the only thing on your mind?" I said to the relaxing boy.

"Don't you start as well, I already have to deal with Eren and his yelling, I don't need you piling on." Jean said in an exasperated tone.

I huffed and continued on.

Marco sighed and said. "In any case, let's get on with the exercise."

"It's useless," Jean retorted.

"Don't you have any endurance for this?" Eren asked rhetorically.

"It doesn't matter if I'm complaining," Jean replied.

"It would be great if time passed faster in that case." There was a sluggishness in Connie's voice.

"You got that right..." Sasha agreed. "We have a long road ahead of us."

"This is so tiresome," Jean grumbled.

We kept on riding for another twenty minutes or so when Jean seemed to take notice of something. I looked in the direction he was staring and saw a pretty sizable iguana. "The lizard's joining us on the same route, huh..." Jean commented.

"It's rare to see that," Marco added as he took notice as well.

"They're delicious, you know," Sasha smiled.

"What?" Christa said in disbelief.

"They're not as good as deer, but I'd still kill for some meat." I said affirming Sasha's statement.

"They really are. My family and I used to eat them. They taste like chicken." Sasha continued.

Jean smiled and asked. "You can cook?"

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