Truths and Lies

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1 week later

Annie POV:

Infuriating, if there was any word to describe the past week it would be infuriating. First we lost Marcel and now we're stuck thousands of miles from home with our only ticket back being three people among a million.

"If only Reiner had gotten eaten, then maybe we'd already have a lead." I muttered to myself as I stared at the night sky. Currently I was sitting under a tree near the field we had been working to produce crops hastily. Earlier in the week the royal government of the walls ordered the refugees from the wall we had destroyed to till these wastelands. 'Wall Mary or something like that was the name I think.' I thought before letting out a deep sigh.

"Honestly I agree about Reiner." A voice came up from beside me. I turned my head to see the figure of our newly self-appointed leader.

"Oh? And here I thought you were best buddies." I said in a mocking tone.

Silence filled the air after my statement, only the occasional sound of an owl cutting through. "I've decided that you can't go alone for any information gathering mission in the interior." Zach said making my blood boil.

"So I'm on your shit list as well now. Or do you just not trust me." I spat out at him with a glare 'I seriously don't want to deal with your bullshit.' I thought as he just continued staring at the night sky.

"Quite the opposite actually, you're the only one I actually can trust." He said shocking me.

"What?" I said baffled at what I'd heard.

"Well where to begin, Bertholdt doesn't take action, he requires someone else to direct him which is usually Reiner, and Reiner is... Reiner, do I really need to say anymore." He stated while pinching the bridge of his nose at mentioning Reiner.

"So that means you will join me then?" I asked repeating his words from before.

"Magath did say my role was to support, if anything I'm just doing what I'm supposed to." He said before turning to look at me and shrugging.

"Thank you." I said quietly hoping he wouldn't hear.

"For what?" He questioned looking quizzically at me.

"For thrashing Reiner after what happened to Marcel. Asshole caught me off-guard and wasn't letting go of his grip." I quickly answered, causing Zach's eyes to darken.

"Don't thank me, I just felt my rage bubbling up and needed an outlet." He excused himself

"Well can Reiner continue to be that outlet, he kind of deserves it." I say with a smirk catching Zach off-guard.

"You... What happened? Every time we've interacted you would either belittle me or knock the stuffing out of me. Now you're flipping between that and actually being nice." He asked baffled.

I sighed "You're the only competent one left sadly, and like you said Bertholdt doesn't have a spine, while Reiner is off in his own little world where he's the hero. It's just a matter of you irritating me less." I curtly answered making Zach hum in response.

He started to walk away leaving me alone again under my tree but before he was gone I heard him yell. "Be ready, we'll set off tomorrow evening!" Slowly I turned my head and saw him waving while his back was turned and walking away.

'What happened that made him snap like that?' I thought remembering the way he had brutalized Reiner after Marcel's was eaten. 'We all knew he and Marcel were close but that was different. I'd know that anger anywhere, that was years of pent up resentment and hatred.' I thought while watching his retreating form.

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