New Family Pt.2 Friendship

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Reiner POV:

We entered through the door into the living room and I took a quick gaze around the familiar environment feeling a sense of comfort. I show off my slice of home with little to no furnishings but still holding a welcoming atmosphere. We take a few steps further in and were immediately met with the smell of a freshly baked apple pie.

"What smells so good?" Zach asks taking in the smell as well.

"Oh I forgot I baked an apple pie today, I wanted to surprise you with a treat when you got home today Reiner." Mom then states as she makes her way towards the kitchen where you could tell the aroma was creeping in from.

"Thanks mom!" I said to her before turning to my fellow Warrior. "Hey Zach follow me I want to show you my room!" I say grabbing his hand and usher him toward the lone hallway.

"Hey take your cousin with you too Reiner." I hear my aunt say from behind us as I see a blur run past at knee height.

"looks like I don't need to." I let out under my breath before continuing with Zach to my bedroom. Opening the door we are greeted with Gabi spread out across my bed sinking into the comfort. "Gabi, don't ruin my bed I already made it this morning." I state as the toddler bounces up and sits up straight smiling.

"This is nice and comfy Reiner, I like it." I hear from behind, I turn seeing Zach enter my room observing the new space he's entering before taking a seat on my bed as well.

"Oh come on, I bet my small house is nothing compared to yours, I bet your family has a house bigger than the internment zone!" I responded with glee, noting however that Zach's face grew colder when I brought up his family. 'I wonder if he's ok? He said he didn't plan on going home right? Is it a sore subject?' My mind raced trying to find an answer but was cut short by a smaller voice.

"So whuts it wike being a wawwior?" Gabi asked in a curious tone staring at both of us.

"It's amazing of course! Us Warriors are the pride of our people and motherland." I reply joyfully while Zach takes a second.

"You could say It's nice being able to make friends who share a common ground." He states finally after collecting himself.

"Common gwound?" Gabi asks confused

"Ah sorry, common ground means that we all share an exact or similar experience or trait. For example all of the Warriors are Titan shifters." Zach answered before continuing his thoughts. "All the Warriors have made me feel at home so its been easy settling in."

"Almost all of us" I add under my breath but still audible enough for both to hear.

"Yeah I hope Annie lets up, soon I don't think my regeneration will keep up with her blows" Zach says, then visibly shivers.

"Umm what's your titan wike? Can I see it!" Gabi then shouts out at Zach bombarding him.

"Gabi you can't just raise your voice at someone and make demands. Its not nice." I say trying to reel my cousin in not wanting her to pester Zach, she sticks her tongue out at me before hiding behind Zach causing him to chuckle.

"Haha it's alright Reiner I don't mind." He says before turning around facing Gabi. "My titan is known as the Warhammer titan, it's abilities allow me to use titan hardening to make objects like bows, arrows, swords, and shields."

Gabi nodded and then looked like she was deep in thought before staring intently at Zach "Wouwd you make me a biiiig pwate?" We both stared at Gabi in confusion until she continues. "Mom said I couwd onwy habe one swice of pie, but if pwate is big I get a big piece of pie." She finished proud of her logic making both Zach and I laugh.

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