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??? POV:

This morning, all of us warriors were called down to Commander Magath's office for an important meeting. I scrunched my face in thought, wondering what this could mean. 'Does this mean that the Paradis Operation is going to be announced?' I thought while walking in line with my fellow warriors. The gray hallways passed quickly as we made it to our destination and filed in one after another, all greeting Magath as he sat at his desk. 

We lined up, and that's when I take note of a smaller unimposing figure sitting in the chair opposite Commander Magath. "At ease." Commander Magath begins. "There's an announcement I have to make, but first there is someone who would like to introduce themselves." He continued gesturing to the blonde boy who looked around my age in front of him.

 The boy then stood up and turned around to greet us. "I-It's nice to meet you all; my name is Z-Zach Tybur." He said it with a stutter in his tone and an uneasy smile as he waved.

 'TYBUR!' My mind immediately recognized the famous Eldian noble family name, and my eyes soon widened. 

"Mister Tybur here is the current holder of the Warhammer Titan and has personally requested to join the Warrior Unit. So instead of your regular training sessions, today we will be testing the Warhammer's capabilities." Magath stated this after the young Warhammer introduced himself. "Are there any concerns?" Magath then finished.

 One of my fellow Warriors raised their hand, and Magath gestured to them, "Speak Yeager."

Our War Chief lowered his hand and began, "After refusing for decades to integrate the Warhammer into the Warrior Unit, Why has the Tybur family decided to get involved now?" Asked the blonde teen.

 "That is because the Tybur family, for the past 100 years, has elected to keep the identity of the Warhammer a closely guarded secret. Using the anonymity of the shifter as a way to deter the Marley government and other nations from stealing or communicating with the Warhammer directly for personal gain," Magath answered, then finished with "However, it seems that Mister Tybur here has decided to break that mold and has approached me himself, asking to join."

 My wide eyes dart to the blonde named Zach now standing off to the side of us. 'He approached Magath and just told him his family's biggest secret!' I thought in surprise before raising my own hand.

 "Galliard?" Magath called upon me. 

"Will Mr. Tybur be ranked above us?" I ask, already knowing the answer.

 "He will be given the position of Vice War Chief under Yeager." Magath again answered, causing a mixed set of reactions from all present.

 But before anyone could protest or react, a voice cried out. "W-W-Wait, you did-dn't tell me that! A-Anything but that!" Mr. Tybur exclaimed in utter horror, surprising everyone.

 "If you excuse me for talking out of turn," Zeke started. 

"You're excused Yeager," Magath said looking to the War Chief.

 I then look at Zeke and see him shifting his gaze to the new warrior and then continuing. "Lord Tybur, given your status wouldn't you want a high-ranking position?"

 We all stared at the new addition as he stared at the ground before uttering one sentence. "I'm not fit to lead." Once more confusing me.

 'What is wrong with him? He stutters all the time and then berates himself. I don't understand him at all. Aren't the Tyburs a part of the aristocratic elite? The pinnacle of the Eldian race.' I question myself just getting more confused.

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