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Zach POV:

'Disgusting.' I thought as I lifted my hand and saw it was covered in the thick substance known as titan saliva. Currently I was residing inside the mouth of Annie's Female Titan as she ran through the titan infested lands of Wall Maria. We seemed to be making good progress with only the occasional setback as she fought off a few overzealous scouts.

'After we secure Eren we'll need to extract him, I mean for all we know that could take multiple days.' I thought while sighing. "Hey Annie, are you doing alright!" I yelled out and got a simple grunt in response. 'Well that's good, it's been awhile since we had to transform for an extended period like this.' I thought as I relaxed.

Like that minutes continued to pass by as Annie continued on her crusade through the scout's formation. Suddenly though Annie stopped and seemed to crouch down for something.

"Is everything alright?" I asked, but received no response. Then as if nothing happened she continued. 'That was weird.' I thought as she picked up the pace. Though after a bit she suddenly swung her whole body backward. 'Shit! She must have engaged more Scouts!' I thought as I slipped around wildly in her mouth. I quickly grabbed onto one of her titan's molars to stabilize myself. "Annie! Is everything alright!" I yelled out.

However my concern for Annie soon dissipated and was replaced with a new fear. From just behind Annie I could feel the distinct presence of one of my constructs. 'No no no no!' I thought as I realized that there was only one object of my creation that could be outside the walls. "ANNIE STOP! DON'T HURT ANYONE, FIONA IS WITH THEM!" I screamed out to which she seemed to ignore me.

My mind was now racing as I felt every shift that Annie made in combating Fiona's group. That's when I heard the familiar voice of Armin yell out. "Jean! Don't let that Suicidal Maniac die in vain!" With that Annie froze in her tracks finally stopping her onslaught.

'Armin?! Jean?! Shit!' I thought frantically as I realized the reason for Annie stopping earlier. "Annie stop, we have to get out of here! I don't want our friend's blood on our hands!" I desperately yelled out, trying to convince her to retreat, but with the sudden movement of her arm I knew she wouldn't.

Then she jerked her head to the side and opened her mouth, allowing the blinding light to pour in. Confused I tried to get any grasp of the situation outside. Only to be filled with horror as I saw Fiona flying right towards me into Annie's jaw. Everything felt like it had slowed down as I ducked out of sight and with every ounce of power I could muster, pressed my hands down on her tongue and screamed at the top of my lungs.



My eyes flew open as I jolted awake
only to see my dorm room in Stohess. Breathing heavily I brought my hand to my head and tried calming myself down. 'It's in the past, they're okay.' I thought to myself as my breathing started to come under control.

The light illuminating my room easily told me it was still morning, putting me at ease as I fell back into my mattress. After a few seconds I got back up, dangled my legs off my bunk, hopping down to begin my morning. The first thing I noticed was the lack of my roommate Boris anywhere to be seen. 'Guess he really meant it when he said he wouldn't wake me anymore.' I tiredly thought as I changed into my uniform and headed out to receive my orders for the day.

Walking through the hallway I very quickly rendezvoused with my fellow recruits and fell in line. Lining the wall other MP recruits were standing against it in silence, arms behind their backs. Unsurprisingly though Annie was nowhere to be seen. 'I don't blame her, hell it seems like everything plan we come up with fails.' I thought as I yawned.

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